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Okay, so as I promised I'll try my level best to keep updating regularly and I saw some rankings of the story and it is safe to say that I am overwhelmed with the rankings.

Let me finish this story real quick and we'll together bring this story to the top.

Here's chapter 6 and Happy Reading <3


The year was running too fast till the mid terms and now suddenly, it started to go slower than a snail. By the end of the day, everyone was so exhausted and annoyed because everyone wanted to finish school and get out of here and go to uni. Well, on the other hand Harry was more than happy to be here with his tiny yet cute social circle because maybe initially, he did face some rough days at this school but now that everyone is slowly starting to befriend him, he thinks why would someone leave this place? Who would want to go to uni and behave very matured like you are 47, when in reality, you are just 17 or 18.

Things are going ahead so slowly, it's just one month after the mid terms, but so much has happened in this one month. Taylor has distanced herself from everyone and every single person is mentally prepared to hear the news any day that Harry and Taylor have called it quits. Life has suddenly become so boring lately. It's like you were in Vegas, getting drunk and enjoying the casino life and out of nowhere, somebody dropped you in the middle of a desert, where all you could see is camels walking from left to right, then right to left.

"Guys, we are not mourning, are we?" An annoyed Niall said after finishing his cookies. "Everyone's in depression bro!" Replied his dear cousin Liam. "Well Lima! Somebody has to break this unwanted silence and today, this moment, I take pride in doing that. Come on, speak guys, talk! I need some talking!!!" "Alright, chill out mate." "Did you just mate zone your brother Liam?" Harry finally decided to speak. "That's not important. What I am about to tell you is more important. It is the perfect recreation required at the moment." Nobody knew what Niall was about to say but nobody definitely knew the kind of turns this recreation was about to bring in everyone's lives, especially Harry's.  

Niall got up, stretching his arms and legs after sitting down on the grass for a long time. "There is something interesting that's gonna happen next week."

"Cut the buildup, come straight to the point you Irish Princess" Ed was getting impatient.

"Oh well, you have to believe every single word we're about to utter now." Liam came in to stand beside his cousin.

Both Niall and Liam clear their throats and start speaking and Harry seems to be the least interested as he is in his own world, having various thoughts. 

"Well guys," Niall began, "we actually got invited to a party and before we finish, nobody will speak. So it is impossible to not know Louis Tomlinson. So this invite happens to be from his gang and they want us all in attendance. Li, you continue." And with this Niall went to get the entire water bottle gulped in.

"I know you guys are confused. Well, I have not much to say, we're going. 'We' means all of us by the way. Harry you too." Liam could see Harry sitting there open-mouthed because no way Louis Tomlinson and his gang invited this soft friend group to their party and by the looks of it, Louis had emphasized on the presence of Harry at the party. 'Too Bad' or 'Too Good', Harry for sure was confused more than anytime in his entire life. Why would the guy who pushed him down on the first day of school now wants him to come over to his place for a damn party?

"I'll tell you guys later." Was all that Harry managed to say. The others didn't say anything because they knew how suspicious this sounds.


Frenemy!?💚💙// Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now