001 | the cursed princess

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• you are a fool •

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you are a fool •

chapter one: the cursed princess 】


Cassandra's head pounded, and her eyes burned as she felt herself sucked into a new vision. Much to the curiosity of the daughter of Priam, she was standing in a desert, her eyes roving over the dunes of sand before the shouts and screams of pain and anger reached her ear. She turned around to find herself in front of a cave opening, she could see strange tents surrounding the cave's opening, and people- men wearing strange clothes and speaking a strange dialect ran around either screaming in pain or hunting the cause of said pain.

Cassandra stifled a gasp at the sight of some of the men, their faces seemed half-burned and their flesh seemed to be melting, her ears perked up, as something large surfaced from the cave's mouth, and the floor beneath her shook as a large shiny monster stepped out. Its face was what caused Cassandra to freeze, it bore the face of a woman, and she had never seen such a person before.

The monster's- woman's face seemed like it was carved out of stone, there were only harsh lines, no softness that Cassandra had been accustomed to, her eyes were like the harsh sea, narrowed with hate and anger, under the dirt and blood that caked her face, she could see that her skin was pale, just like the marbles in the glided temple of the Sun God. A few strands of inky black hair, that resembled Nyx's cloak framed her face, her lips, torn and bleeding were pulled into a sneer as she uttered something in a strange dialect before a silver mask covered her features.

What followed was utter destruction and carnage, fire overtook her surroundings as men surrounding her screamed in panic, and she flinched violently as a huge blast took place near her.

She could not spot the monstrous woman, but she could understand one thing that a man near her muttered before the flames too consumed him.

He called the woman, "The Merchant of Death."

The ground underneath Cassandra gave away, and she fell into a deep chasm, she wanted to scream but no sound came out of her mouth. Flashes passed in front of her eyes, the flashes of the woman's life before everything went dark.

A small light started to appear at the farthest point, it grew closer and became blinding, the light grew before Cassandra found herself standing in the Greek Camp. Her spine stiffened, and the hairs on her arm stood as she whirled around to find the same woman wearing a deep blue chiton standing with two other men. One of whom Cassandra identified as Prince Achilles of Phitia.

The world around her changed and she found herself in the middle of the battlefield. She spotted the same woman but this time she was garbed in a strange armour holding a gleaming sword. Blood and dirt struck her unblemished skin, as she stood in front of a kneeling man.

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