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Seven days had passed since Henry Peterson attacked me in the parking lot of Luci's diner. And it had been one-hundred-and-sixty-eight hours since someone murdered his whole family. And five nights since something marked my home in blood. At that time, I was able to conclude. This town truly was not what it seemed to be. There were secrets buried in Seventh Heaven and an insidious darkness growing too loud to ignore with every passing day.

I expected to get an answer about what really happened in my bedroom, the symbol, how it got there, and why it struck so much fear. I even thought maybe someone had the answers to what was happening to my body. I couldn't shake the feeling that all of this was connected. The frustrating part was that the adults had the answers, but I doubted I'd get a word out of them by the looks of things. They closed ranks. Uncle Ahmed and Aunty Aminah kept reassuring me that it was over and it wouldn't happen again, but they would never tell me what it was in the first freaking place!

Why isn't anyone saying anything?

Soon, the murders of Henry Peterson and his family became old news. It was swept under the rug almost as fast as the story spread. In a way, I was relieved; I didn't even care who did it anymore.

The video of his daughter's racism finally surfaced when the media tried to make her a victim. I can thank Richard Stevens, aka Manny Drew, for that.

Questions still gnawed at me, the photographs, the red capes, 'Lightbringer,' but I chose to bury them deep. Maybe I should leave it, maybe Uncle Ahmed and Aunty Aminah acting as if nothing happened was the way to go because did I really want to find out?

I chose to enjoy not knowing... for now.

It was September sixteenth. My birthday.

If someone had told me Elenore's face would be amongst the first I'd see today, I would have probably laughed or thrown myself off the nearest bridge – Just kidding. But I would have probably touched wood to prevent that from happening.

I should've touched wood.

The fumigation at my house lasted longer than I thought it would. A part of me didn't want to go back. How would I even be able to sleep in my room after what happened?

Happy thoughts, Kim, happy thoughts.

I didn't have anything planned for today; I wasn't even sure if anyone remembered. And with everything going on, I wouldn't blame them for forgetting. It almost slipped my mind, actually.

Maybe, I'll write.

The best part about Elenore's house was how quiet it was here. It was a farmhouse; there was nothing but open fields and fresh air. A day on the porch, under a warm blanket, writing, it wouldn't be so bad.

I was sad, but it was okay... I have many birthdays to come. Sixteen was already looking like a boring year if you asked me.

I'll start planning my eighteenth since that's the next significant milestone.

Maybe I could convince Uncle Ahmed to get me a car by then. I laughed to myself.

I wish.

I pulled out my phone and made a clipboard to start planning because why not?

"Where is my dad?" Elenore asked, bursting my bubble.

"He left with my uncle early in the morning," I replied.

She huffed and walked away. "Oh, and happy birthday!" Elenore shouted from the hallway.

"Thanks," I laughed to myself. I can't believe I'm here right now. I opened my laptop and stared at the blank page for ten minutes. I thought I had an idea, but it was gone now. With a sigh, I closed my laptop. Then pulled out my phone and started doom-scrolling; I couldn't help myself.

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