Chapter 8

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Boboiboy sighed for the umpteenth time making me feel guilty.

"You can go home. I am sorry that I didn't tell you about this before" I apologised, making him shake his head as a no.

"No no, it's fine. I don't mind. It's just a birthday party anyway" He replied.

Currently we were at my 4 year old cousin's birthday party. My mom forced me to go but I didn't want to get bored so I asked Boboiboy to join without informing him.

A kid came running up to Boboiboy and hugged his leg making him gasp.

"What happened?" I asked the little kid.
"He is BOBOIBOY!" He shouted and all the kids surrounded him.

I forgot he was a very popular superhero. Especially among kids, kids literally hero worshipped him.

I could see Boboiboy sweatdrop because of the unwanted attention. He looked at me making me give him an apologetic smile.

"Y/N, Is Boboiboy your boyfriend?" My cousin, Ray asked.
"No, he is not" I replied as fast as I could, from the corner of my eyes I could see Boboiboy frown a little.

'Is he sad? About what?'

"Are you in a situationship then?"
"Why are you not dating?"
"Will you both get married?"
"If you both have kids will they also have superpowers?"

Kids bombarded us with stupid questions.

"How do they even know about all these stuffs?" I questioned.
"That's exactly what I am thinking" Boboiboy replied.

Half an hour later, Boboiboy and I left the place with a bunch of candies in our hand. He got more candies than me cause he was the star there.

"How does it feel to be everyone's favourite?" I asked in an attempt to strike a conversation.
"Well it's nice that they admire me but I really don't like the unwanted attention." He replied.

"Why so? I would like if people loved me like that" I said making him chuckle.
"Imagine going to the bathroom but people start asking for selfies and autographs" Boboiboy replied making me burst into laughter.

"Oh that reminds me, we don't have a picture together. Let's take a selfie!" I exclaimed and took out my phone.
Boboiboy smiled and came closer to pose for the camera.

But unfortunately he was taller than me not too much but still tall. He chuckled when he noticed that I couldn't get his full face.

He took the phone from my hand and wrapped his arms around my shoulder.
My cheeks heated up immediately.

I didn't know if I was blushing because it was my first time being so close to someone or because that someone was Boboiboy.

"Say cheese~" he whispered in my ear and we both smiled for the picture.
Boboiboy looked at the picture and a big smile appeared on his face.

"I'm sending this to my phone" he transferred the picture into his phone and gave me my phone back.

"Anyways, since you took me out today. Let me take you out tomorrow after school?" Boboiboy asked and I thought for a moment.
"Ahh, I'm sorry, I have to tutor my brother" I replied making him frown.

"Then how about day after tomorrow?" He asked with hopes in his eyes.
"Well.. I have to babysit my brother since my parents won't be at home. I would have just invited you to come over but I don't want to bore you like today" I replied.

"No it's fine. I don't mind at all. Umm.. can I come over?" Boboiboy asked.
"If you don't mind then sure. You're always welcome to my house" I replied which made him halt at this spot.

I gave a confused look as he turned around and covered his mouth with his hand. I swear I could see his ears turn red for a second.

"Are you okay?" I asked and he just shook his head.
"I'm okay, I'm fine" He replied.

(A/N: I'm okay, I'm fine, gwenchana ting ning ning)

Next Day

I was tutoring my brother but suddenly the doorbell rang.

"You answer this question. I'll come back" I said and he nodded.

'who could it be' I thought and opened the door revealing Boboiboy.

"Boboiboy? I thought you were going to come tomorrow" I said.
"Hello to you too, y/n. Well I had to deliver the Coco so I thought maybe I should stay and help you tutor your brother" he replied.

"But I didn't order any Coco" I stated.
"Is your... mother home?" He asked his eyes looking around.
"No" I replied.
"Then she is the one who ordered it. Here, keep it" He said and handed me the can.

"Thank you, come inside" He entered and closed the door.
"Do you want anything to drink?" I asked and he just politely refused.

"You can go to the room upstairs, my brother is there. I'll get some snacks" I said and went to the kitchen to grab some snacks for everyone.

I was about to leave the kitchen but then I heard a high pitch scream coming from upstairs.

(A/N: I love the webtoon, The guy upstairs)

I quickly ran to the room only to find my brother clinging onto Boboiboy.

"Kai, what are you doing?" I asked.
"Boboiboy came to save me from you" he replied.

"What does that supposed to mean?" I asked confusingly.
"Boboiboy must have sensed that how bad you are at tutoring me so he came to protect me from you" he explained making me roll my eyes.

"He is not here for you" I stated.
"Y/N, let it b-" Boboiboy was cut off by Kai.
"He is here for me" he said clinging more onto him.

I sighed. I always hate whenever kids specially my own brother do annoying stuff like this. They need to know their limits.

"Nope, he came here for me" I simply said.
"Why would he even be here for you?" He asked.

"Well because... Boboiboy is my boyfriend"

A/N: I topped in my class lessgoo

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