✿⁠ 31 ✿

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Jisung and Minho walked out of the hospital, with Jisung leaning on Minho for support to remain standing.

Nurse Hwang and nurse Kim decided to let Jisung rest once he finally gave in to sleep, considering how much energy he had used up from all the fighting and crying.

After rousing from his brief slumber, he was promptly served a nourishing meal before undergoing a series of blood tests and being bombarded with a barrage of inquiries.

The chief physician was summoned to assess the examinations and scrutinize the findings prior to delivering the ultimate decision.

Jisung's diagnosis matched the nurses' predictions, as he was found to have panic disorder; not only that but agoraphobia, and social anxiety as well.

The overwhelming flood of information caused his mind to go blank, leaving him completely unresponsive until Minho gently grasped him, showering his forehead with tender kisses.

Minho couldn't help but feel a twinge of guilt, even though jisung didn't express his dislike for hospitals beforehand. If only he hadn't suggested they visit this place, jisung wouldn't be in this predicament.

Nurse Kim tried reassuring Minho that he can't be at fault for something he didn't know. Reason being, jisung had all these issues before he met Minho, they were just undiagnosed

After covering a few additional topics, they discussed the matter further and jisung received two distinct sets of pills that he needs to consume daily or whenever he feels overwhelmed.

Nurse Kim strongly recommended that he reach out to a therapist for assistance. He confided in only her and Minho, sharing the intricate aspects of his life thus far, while providing a concise explanation to the rest.

She told him that seeking professional help was crucial for his journey towards improvement, not bottling things up inside.

Jisung couldn't help but feel completely exhausted after the entire hospital visit. All he yearned for was the comfort of his own home, where he could finally curl up in his cozy bed and drift off to sleep. Thankfully, they were on their way there now. Home.

Minho couldn't help but steal quick glances at Jisung, ensuring that he never loosened his grip on Jisung's hand. Concern filled his heart as the younger boy hadn't uttered a single word since they set off on their journey.

But he dare not pry after seeing how tired jisung was.


Minho arrived at the house and quickly exited the car. He walked around to the other side, unlocked Jisung's door, and lifted him up to bring him inside.

Minho intended to carry him bridal style, but Jisung quickly shifted his position, wrapping his legs around Minho's waist and his arms around the older boy's neck.

Chan, who heard the car pull up, was smiling sweetly at them from the front window.

"Ji?" Minho whispered, pressing light kisses into his hair.

Jisung hummed in response and Minho asked, "you doing okay now pretty?"

Jisung responded with a low hum, and Minho inquired, "Feeling any better, pretty?"

"A little..." He mumbled out.

Minho kissed the side of his head before walking up the driveway and into the house.

Chan welcomed them inside with a full blown grin and Minho saw that there was already food on the table as it was around lunch time.

However, chan's smile turned into a frown when jisung didn't even acknowledge the scent of his favorite food, or him for that matter.

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