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  "JUNE ARE YOU READY?" My boyfriend Drew yelled from downstairs. We were heading to this nice restaurant he had picked out for our date night, it wasn't really my kind of choice, but I went along with it because Drew told me they served the best food in entire London.

He had researched a lot about my home town ever since he moved in with me, he gave up everything to live with me. Even though he travelled a lot, and visited his family and friends back in North Carolina, he still decided to stay with me in London.

"Be there in a sec!" I yelled back as I gently placed a gold necklace around my neck. I was wearing a tight black dress with my sambas- which I know is very casual. A girls gotta do what she gotta do to be comfy, am I right?

I went down the stairs to see a very inpatient Drew standing in front of me, I laughed, he looked at me. He mouthed a 'wow'. It was normal, we did have these date nights quite often because we both were actors and had quite the busy schedules. It was becoming a habit at this point.

"I like your hair," I spoke slowly, admiring the man's buzz cut. God he looked good.

He only shaked his head at me as we walked through the doors to the car. He opened the door for me. "What a gentleman." I smiled, a habit as well.

At this point Drew had became the 'perfect' boyfriend. We had been going out for almost 10 months, he did everything right, in theory. I mean we never fought, he always bought me flowers, we went on date nights- and the list goes on.

As we arrived at the restaurant, Drew held the door open for me, again.

We were led to a table in the middle of the restaurant. "I think I'm trying the ravioli tonight- you?" He questioned.

"Oh same." I just whispered, giving him a tight squeeze to his hand holding mine.

As I smiled at my boyfriend. I saw a figure behind him. A very familiar one. A type of broad shoulders, curly hair, big smile- okay you get my point, a very familiar figure.

"I'm just going to the bathroom," I told Drew before almost running away. "Okey whe-" I didn't even let him finish his sentence, the guilt didn't last for long though.

Once I got to the bathroom, I couldn't help but think about the familiar man that sat only a table away from us. It was in fact my brother Austin's best friend - Callum. He looked good, he should not look that good.

I had never really thought of him in that way, who am I kidding- of course I had. But I could never tell him that! First of all he probably didn't even like me back, and second- he was my brother's best friend for gods sake! It would never work, we also have a 10 years in age gap, which just adds up to the reasons I can't be with him.

I took a deep breath as I headed out of the bathroom, walking straight into a hard chest. Ouch. "I'm sorry-"


"June? What are you doing here?" He smiled with the most beautiful smile I had ever seen. I smiled at the way he said my name, no one said my name in the way he said it. Not even Drew. Everyone said it so casually, except for Callum of course, always having to do things differently then everyone else.

"Oh I'm just here with my boyfriend." I responded. His expression changed slowly, "...with Drew?" He clenched his jaw.

Oh I forgot to mention, so Callum does not like Drew, like at all. When I'm thinking about it he hasn't liked any of my boyfriends- anyways, Drew has been with me to a couple family dinners. Where Austin has always insisted on bringing Callum, and let's just say that the two have never hit it off. I thought thinking about a certain event that happened three months ago.

"Turner, pass me the salad will you?" Drew turned to Callum, who rolled his eyes at him holding onto the salad instead of doing as my boyfriend asked him.

"Say please then." At this, I was the one rolling my eyes.

"Callum, please?" Why was he being like this?

His gaze softened. "Only for you, love." He winked at me. I laughed, shaking my head as I turned to a very jealous looking Drew who stood up. Getting everyone's attention.

"Drew-" he cut me off. "Do we have a problem pal?" He looked at Callum who chuckled in return. "I don't know, do we mate?"

The tension was unbearable, at this point they were just staring at each other.

Men, weird creatures.

"Okay that's enough, we're leaving June." He took my hand. I almost felt embarrassed by my perfect boyfriend, was he really gonna leave in the middle of dinner because Callum teased him a bit? Everyone knew he was like that, it was just how he was.

I was left speechless. I hugged my parents goodbye. Austin gave me a weird stare, and I shrugged in return. Callum looked at the way Drew was holding me, tight. A bit too tight actually, it kind of hurt-

I gave him a smile who turned into a frown at seeing him worriedly looking at me. 'I'm okay' was the last thing I mouthed before we left my parents house.

I was pulled back into reality by someone calling my name, Drew.

"June what is taking you so long-." He looked at me worriedly. "Oh." He stood, giving Callum a tense look.



Ew! What is this silence. "It was nice to see you again Cal," I muttered fast as I was about to head back to our table. But a hand grabbed me.

"It's very, very nice to see you, June," Callum whispers in my ear, I blush. Fuck.

Drew takes notice of this. Double fuck.

Callum smirks at me as I leave, I don't say anything to Drew. I'm too tired to talk about it. Drew doesn't mention it either.

We just talk like nothing ever happened.

It's very nice actually, not boring at all. It's so very nice that for the rest of the evening, all I can look at is Callum who is sitting with some other men in black suits, laughing about something.

There is that smile again.

As we leave and step into the cool London night, I can't shake the feelings that came back to me the second I saw Callum, he looked so attractive just standing there- no I have a boyfriend. A sweet and loving boyfriend who is absolutely perfect...or?


This is not proofread at all, I will be editing this when done with act 1. Right now I'm just focusing on the actual plot, and getting the events in order:)

Thanks for reading <33
x em

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