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   OLIVE IS COMING OVER, my absolute best friend who always supports me. And I her. The reason I became friends with her was because of her name, I love olives if you couldn't tell. However I quickly discovered that it was way more to the woman than just her name.

I mean she has stayed through with me throughout high school and adult life. We had survived several friend groups together, and had always been close. I love her so much.

Drew was out of town, visiting North Carolina for the month. And Olive begged me to tell her about my encounters with Callum, she had shipped us along time, which I could only roll my eyes at.

"Have you not seen the way he looks at you?!" Olive starts rambling. "That man is in love, and he has been ever since he met Austin."

"He met Austin when I was 16..."

"I didn't say it was legal." She makes a grimace, causing us both to burst out laughing. "But you have to tell me, how did he say it again?" She asked, referring to Callum being overly jealous. Which I'm not really sure he was- I mean he clenched his jaw (which was indeed very attractive) and he spoke about Drew like he actually detested him. Maybe he was a little jealous, but I couldn't really understand why?

"He just said that if he were my boyfriend, he would come to absolutely all of my shows, and he would never be busy for me," I went on describing my interaction with Callum a little over a week ago, when we were sat at the cafe after my show with Austin.

Olive started laughing again, at this point she had a full on laughing fit. "God you're dumb."

I playfully nudged her arm at this. "Let's talk about your love life for a second, how is that tattoo guy you were seeing?"

"Asshole of a man, he literally went out with several other women when we dated."

"Ew, I never liked him anyways! You're way out of his league, you always were," I smile, trying to lighten the mood.

"By the way, have your manager talked to you lately?" Olive blurts out. What?

"No... not about anything special, other then that she helped me send in some acting tapes the other day, why?" Reva was my manager. She helped me both modelling and acting wise, we actually met through Drew at a party a few months ago.

"Okay good," she says, but continues when she sees my face as a whole question mark. "So me and Reva made a deal that I would be the one to deliver the news..."

"What news?"

"So you know that role you auditioned for? The boys in the boat or something like that."

"Yeah... and?" This girl was taking ages getting to her point.

"And you got it! Shooting starts in like 2 weeks," her face lit up, so did mine.

"Really? Oh my god," I began pacing around the living room, I had acted in other small movies and some TV-shows, but never in an actual big movie. This felt like a fever dream.

What I didn't know then, that I know for a fact Olive purposefully left out, was that I would be playing Callum's love interest in this movie.

This was the movie he died his hair for.

2 weeks passed rather quickly, Drew came home this weekend hoping to spend some time with me. However as I delivered the news of me having to fly to Washington to an acting job, he frowned. But offered to drive me to the Airport.

"I'll be back in a month," I spoke slowly, he looked down at me tanner than before. North Carolina did him good, it always does. Especially now that he had a buzz cut.

"Yeah I know, I was just looking forward to spend some time with you again," he embraced me in a hug.

"In a month okay?" He nodded. Shooting actually started in Washington, and then would be ending in England where it would be shooted mostly, Reva told me. Filling in (almost) all the blanks that Olive left out.

We said our goodbyes, and I left. I was excited, but mostly nervous. A mix of both really. I hadn't even looked over the list of the other actors who would be in the movie, the only thing I knew was that the producer was George Clooney. (Olive calls him a dilf and has a very unhealthy obsession with him.)

I read through the script again- I'm playing a love interest. I hadn't even thought of that, god. I will be kissing a stranger- who even is this stranger? I scroll through the list of the other actors looking for the name of the main character "Joe"


Oh. No.

Fuck. Double fuck. Triple fuck-

"Joe is being played by Callum Turner"

I'm going to kill Olive.

In conclusion we can all agree that I am stupid. Like what women decides to go through the list of people she will be spending her time with for the next year, the day before she's meeting them?! That doesn't even make any sense, at all!

And if it can't get any worse, I have to spend that time with Callum fucking Turner. My brother's best friend- and the guy my boyfriend absolutely hates!

This will be one hell of a ride.

7 hours left til departure. Great. I can be alone with my thoughts for this long. Just great.


𝙀𝙔𝙀𝙎 𝘿𝙊𝙉𝙏 𝙇𝙄𝙀, 𝘾𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙪𝙢 𝙩𝙪𝙧𝙣𝙚𝙧Where stories live. Discover now