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"JUNE, WAIT UP!" The voice belonging to my brothers best friend stopped me in my tracks.

"I'm tired, Callum," I responded.

In truth i was very tired, this evening was quite eventful. I mean I engaged in conversation with almost everyone, I even got quite close with some of the other actors.

Like Florence Pugh- oh my- I forgot to mention that I will be acting in the same movie as Florence Pugh, that's actually insane.

When I saw her, I'm pretty sure my eyes went wide as hell, as i basically stood gaping at her.

Anyways it was so much fun.

But I'm an introvert. Social interactions kills my social battery. And since we have to start shooting tomorrow, I left early to go to bed.

I'm walking back to my hotel. I really want to go to bed- but Callum here has other plans.


"Now, what is it?" I look up at him through the city lights. How could he look so good right now??

"I just- you haven't spoken one word to me all night."

I rolled my eyes. "You haven't spoken a word to me either."

"I tried, but you just ignored me."

Had I really done that? I mean I guess I was so busy getting to know everyone else, that I kind of forgot to talk to Callum. Who would actually be the most important person to talk to, considering the fact that we would be playing love interests.


"Gosh- why? Why was I the only person you didn't speak to tonight?!" He spoke through gritted teeth.

"You look hot when you're mad," I pushed past him, laughing to myself. I was too tired for this conversation.

To my surprise he didn't follow me. I think I may have left him speechless.

I spoke too fast. I felt two large hands on my waist as he turned me around.

"You can't talk to me like that..."

"Like what?"

"It's driving me insane," he took my hand in his. I felt my heart flutter and a small blush creep up on me.

I quickly regained my posture. "Look Cal- I'm really tired, can we talk tomorrow?"

He towered over me.




I almost died, sorry. He just stood there, staring into my soul at this point. (I'm not complaining) "Callum?" I repeated myself.

"What- yeah right. I'll see you tomorrow," he tightly smiled at me, before walking away. I felt cold after his touch left me...

I'm so down bad.


Fuck. I hope I didn't make June uncomfortable or anything- it's just that she didn't meet my eyes like not a single time over dinner...and I just couldn't bear it anymore. She looked too beautiful.

Austin is going to kill me.

Haha I'm joking- there is no way that I'm going to tell him. I haven't before, and I'm definitely not going to now.

It was nice at dinner...except for the obvious (June) I just pray that things will work out between us, as friends obviously...

Sorry to keep y'all waiting, been busy with school and stuff! Summer break is just around the corner though I'm so happy

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15 ⏰

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