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Faries in the wind
Episode 4-8

As Athena and Gray made their way back to Clover Town, the familiar sights and sounds of the market greeted them

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As Athena and Gray made their way back to Clover Town, the familiar sights and sounds of the market greeted them. Athena's eyes sparkled with excitement as she scanned the stalls, her mind buzzing with ideas for gifts.

"Hey, you wanna check out the market?" Athena suggested, her gaze darting from one colorful display to another.

"Sure," Gray replied with a nod, matching Athena's enthusiasm. They split up to explore the market, each on a mission to find the perfect gifts.

Athena strolled through the market looking at all the small nik nacks, she saw a beautiful dreamcatch, made of tainted colours glass, the sun was perfectly falling through it causing rainbows to pour out. Without a second though she bought it. Happy with her purchase she moved on.

As she browsed the shelves, Athena's attention was suddenly drawn to a glimmering ring tucked away in a corner, it had a shiny bluegrey stone on it. Intrigued, she approached the shopkeeper to inquire about its price.

"Excuse me, how much does this ring cost?" Athena asked, her curiosity piqued.

The shopkeeper's smile widened as he explained, "Oh, that's about 10,000 jewels. But it's no ordinary ring—it's a special magical ring. It offers protection and helps conserve magic energy for the wearer."

Athena's interest was piqued by the ring's unique properties. After a moment of consideration, she made her decision. "I'll take it," she declared with a smile.

"There was a matching necklace with it but unfortunately a young man took it, i hope the pair find itself back together" The shop keeper said apolagetically. "Im sure, thank you for the ring," Athena thanked him and left

Athena stood at the station, her anticipation growing with each passing moment as she waited for Gray to return. The bustling crowd around her only added to her excitement, their voices blending into a vibrant symphony of activity.

Suddenly, Gray appeared out of nowhere, causing Athena to jump in surprise. "Hey!" he greeted her with a mischievous grin.

"Eek!" Athena squealed, her heart racing from the unexpected startle. "Don't scare me like that," she scolded him playfully, giving his shoulder a light punch.

"Sorry, didn't know you were such a wimp," Gray teased, his laughter ringing out in the air.

Ignoring his taunt, Athena shifted the conversation. "What did you get?" she asked, her curiosity piqued.

"Just some food for the bunch," Gray replied casually. "You?"

"I got some personalized gifts," Athena replied with a smile, her excitement evident in her voice.

As she began to rummage through her bag to retrieve Gray's gift, he interrupted her with a surprising revelation. "I got you something too!"

Athena's eyes widened with delight as she eagerly awaited Gray's gift. When he held up a delicate silver necklace adorned with the same gem as the ring she had just purchased, Athena couldn't help but gasp in awe. "You were the man that bought the necklace..." She said in shock, Gray looked slightly confused but kept smiling at her.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30 ⏰

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