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Narrators P.O.V

     "I THOUGHT YOU WERE MY FRIEND" Second yelled at Red. "WHY WERN'T YOU THERE FOR ME WHEN I NEEDED YOU!" Red cowered in a corner, tears streaming out of his eyes, arms wrapped around his shuddering body. "I'm sorry" he whispered " I'm so sorry"

       "You're a terrible friend and person and you don't deserve my love" Second said " In fact you don't deserve anyone's love. You deserve to disappear" " No, no that's not true" Red whispered. "Oh yes it is" Second snarled "You are a horrible person and I never want to see your face again." And with a turn on his feet(A/N Do they have feet) Second stormed out of the house, leaving Red to cry alone on the floor with no one to comfort him.

Reds P. O.V

       After Second left I sat on the floor and cried for what seemed like hours. [Why couldn't I have been a better friend to him? Then he wouldn't have yelled at me, we would still be friends and I wouldn't feel like this. Empty and alone.] I thought to myself. "What will I do now?" I whispered to myself.

        {Well, you could always give into me.} A voice purred in the back of my mind. [ Shut it Herobrine, I'm not in the mood] I thought back. {Well it's true, you have no more friends and you best friend, the one you love most, hates you now. You have nothing to live for and no one to live for. The best thing you could do is GIVE.....IN!!!!!} The last two word reverberated in my skull and I really began to ponder his words. He was right. I should just give in. I had no one to live for and to be honest, I wasn't sure I wanted to live anymore. Second probably already told everyone's and they all probably hate me to for what I did. And my animals could survive without me anyways. Nobody cares anyways. It would be better if I just...............


A/N: Hewwwwwoo. This is my first story and I hope yall enjoy this first part. Please like Shaw and comment and I'll see you in the next one. 👋 Ciao.

Word count: 369 words

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