Chapter 6

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Purples P.O.V

I carefully wrapped Blue in bandages to stop the bleeding from the wounds. They groaned in pain and I put a damp washcloth on his head. It had been 2 hours since Yellow and Second had left and I had heard nothing from them since. I stayed back to take care of Blue, considering the predicament they were in. I refused to think about what we would do about Green. It brought up too many bad memories. Of a funeral and being alone.

I shook my head to clear it of those thoughts. As I was wrapping Blue up, I saw green particles fly through the window, they landed on Blues wounds and I watched as, before my eyes, the wounds closed. They let out a groan and opened their eyes. I sat there in shock as they sat up. "Purple? What are you doing here? Where am I?" I just stared in shock at him. "H-how?! Seconds ago you were in life threatening condition?! And now you sitting up and TALKING?! HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE?!" Then suddenly I heard something moving around outside on the porch. I walked over and saw Green standing outside the door, ALIVE.

I ran over and hugged him tightly as I sobbed. He seemed surprised but he hugged me back just as tightly. I never wanted to let him go again but I forced myself to take a step back. "How are you alive?" "I.......died?" Green looked confused. "Yeah, Red left your dead body on the porch and now? You're standing talking? And Blue was healed too even though the were in life threatening condition.So how are you alive?"

Green and Blue who just walked up, both shrugged but a voice behind them said, " It was Second." We turned around to see Yellow walking towards us with a barely conscious Second leaning on him. 

Seconds P. O.V

Red was dead. My best friend, my soulmate, was dead. And it was all my fault. Those were the only things repeating in my head as I walked back with Yellow. I was exhausted and my mind wanted to shut down there and then, but the feeling of my heart being shredded kept me awake. We got to my house and Green, Blue and, Purple rushed over to me. "H-how?" I whispered weakly. "That doesn't matter right now. What matters is that you just rest." Green told me. And I sank into welcoming blackness.

I woke in a dark room with blood staining the walls saying (Your fault, Your fault). I panicked screaming, "No! No its not my fault! Please, I didn't do anything, please STOP!" I banged on the walls, shrieking. Then I heard him. Red stood behind me, smiling sadly. "Meet me on the cliff. You know where." I woke up in a cold sweat. I looked around and saw that it was pitch black. I must have slept through the entire day. I slipped out of bed onto the floor. I walked out of my house, determined to meet Red. I walked down the block, past the houses and cars. I walked down to the cliff and carefully climbed down, trying not to slip on the rocks. I  knew where Red wanted to meet me. Back when we were little, we found a little cave in the cliff side where there and a water pool with little critters. It also glowed in the dark. We would sneak out every night to meet each other there and spend the night together. It was magical. But when I got there, no one was there. I started to cry, knowing that I would never see Red again. I knelt next to the pool and whispered, "I'm sorry Red. I took things too far against you when I knew that you had nothing to do with it. And back when we were younger, when I rejected your love, I know that I was wrong. You are the one person that I love and I'm so sorry." I cried my eyes over that pool, watching them splash as they fell. Suddenly the pool began to bubble. I crawled backwards, fists ready to fight.

And Red came flying out of the water.

I screamed "WHAT THE (insert the amazing digital circus sound effect) IS THAT!?!" Red laughed "Relax you scaredy-cat. It's me Red." I stopped mid shriek and stared. "Red. Is-is that really you?" "Yes, yes it is." he smiled tears streaming from his eyes and I felt tears streaming out of mine too. I ran towards him and picked him up, spinning him around before bringing him towards me and kissing him. He seemed startled but soon relaxed into it and at that moment I made a promise to myself. (I swear that for as long as I live, I will  never let go of him again.) And I never did.

A/N: Sorry this took a while, I was lazy :(. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and there will most likely be only one or two chapters left so I'll see you in the next one. Buh-Byeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!

(I don't proofread these so excuse any errors)     

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