Chapter 1

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Second P.O.V

After storming out of Reds house I walked back to my to my car to drive home. Throughout the drive, pangs of regret hit me, but I shook them off. [They deserved what they got,] I thought. I pulled up in front of my house and parked. I walked in and realized how tired I was. Dealing with all these emotions, the fight with Red and........the wedding... I was suddenly overwhelmed by a wave of sadness and anger. 

I can't deal with this right now. I can't handle it. I need to calm down. I went over to my room and sat by my desk. I began to draw a picture of a dog. I drew the shape of the dog's head and its ears, and I slowly began to calm down. Unfortunately I got a little TOO calm and started to fall asleep. I rolled my chair away from the desk, got up and collapsed onto my bed passing out immediately. 

I woke in a strange place, with gnarled trees growing everywhere around me and leaves blocking out the sun above my head. The wind howled through the trees and I shivered. I felt like someone was watching me even though when I looked around nobody was there.

A/N: This is kinda what the forest looked like 

I had been walking around for a bit, looking around, when I heard a strange noise

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I had been walking around for a bit, looking around, when I heard a strange noise. It sounded like singing, but unlike any singing I had ever heard. It was strange and ethereal and I felt an urge to follow the sound. I can't even remember how but it led me to  a clearing where I saw a woman standing there in a lilac colored cloak and white dress with a red gem to fasten it. The cloak covered her eyes but she had long brown hair. She seemed familiar in someway but I just couldn't place it. 

Then she began to speak 

"Ah, The Second Coming, so glad you have arrived. Her voice was deep and had a fairy like lilt to it. It echoed in the empty forest. "Who-who are you?" I stammered. She looked up and I was hit with a pang of recognition and shock. Her eyes were the same color as Minty's after she became Lady Irene's conduit which meant....... "YOU'RE A GODDESS?!?" I said, or maybe shrieked. She laughed "Yes indeed I am" she said "But I have come to warn you." "Warn me?" I said "About what?" "I cannot say without angering the more powerful gods, but I can tell you, blood will be spilled by love and love will be spilled by blood. Beware the one of blood in the dark" " What does that mean? Who do I beware? WHATS GOING TO HAPPEN!?" She didn't respond and I felt myself slipping "WHATS GOING TO HAPPEN!?" I yelled again as I fell into darkness.

I woke up drenched in sweat. I looked over and saw a message in golden script on my dog drawing (Beware) it said. Then, before my eyes the message disappeared leaving only a golden sheen on my paper.

A/N So how'd you like the chapter? Threw you a little cliffhanger there. Anyways I hope you enjoyed and don't forget to comment and vote. Ciao as I crab crawl aWaY.👏👏👏

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