Distopian Gay

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Your hidden for now. You give a sigh of relief as you settle in amongst the rubble for a night of restless panic. You dare not to light a fire as they are still around. You hear distant blasts and the marching, oh the methodical, drumming beat of the marching men and women. The uniforms almost militant with brightly coloured bands around the arm. The stories they told of wars of the past could never prepare us for this, a truly colourful Distopia. You hear faint chanting almost impossible to understand, oh but you know all too well the horrors they chant, the carnage burned into the brain, the bright reds and oranges and the dreaded blues and purples. A war waged against either side with each side identical, a war six sided with but two opposing factions refuted peace and beloved hatred. They took the abuse for too long and now they are all that remain. The queens of the chess board with no pawns left to smite. The fruit loops.
Alongside what little of the heterosexual empires remnants lingered.

Your awake early the next morning to the marching of the rainbow. cold, hungry and afraid. The beating of the drums. Each step like thunder amongst the decimated streets, these twisted killers singing their haunting chant.

"YASS QUEEN" step step step "YASS QUEEN" step step step "YASS QUEEN"

You hear the accompanying marching band playing bohemian rhapsody and other songs alike. You shed a mere few tears for the friends and family they took from you oh so long ago. You've even seen entire families taken by the fruit loop troops. Their wrists held high at a 90 degree angle like some twisted action to point out the straights. It's clear any survivor of this diabolicle apocalypse would be diagnosed with homophobia, which is the fear of gays, and a lifetime of PTSD accompanying a fear of the word yes. It is a truly cruel and sick fate to bestow upon any human being, not even the worst minds in history could withstand this abomination of a retorted reality.

A blast nearby startles you out of a trance of fear. You panic as you feel the pile of rubble you hid yourself in shift and a pair of glossy, perfectly highlighted eyes staring back at you.

"yasss gals we got one in the rubblleee"
"it must be like homeless or something"
"I know right! Let's get it"

You manage to push yourself out of the rubble pile and begin a dead sprint for your life. You hear a barrage of popping noises from behind you, these heavy projectiles swooshing past your head. You go pale as you realise they are only firing beanbags at you. THERE GOING TO CONVERT YOU! You continue your dead sprint for freedom, if they catch you you might as well be dead.


You feel a crunch and a blunt force on the base of your spine as you fall to the ground, unable to move your legs, you begin to cry. They got you. It's over now. You begin a desperate crawl but it's hopeless as one of the fruit loops stand atop you.

"Yass gurls we got it!"
"Yass queen"
"Yass sisterrr"

You begin to sob. Life is hopeless, you just pray others have survived out there.

You blacked out due to the pain and the marching began anew. They caught their prey and where pleased about that fact.

Your awaken feeling as if it was six days later, feeling off but not sure why or what's missing of you. There is no pain as you put on your uniform and go out to begin training a rainbow band on your arm to celebrate pride. You decide to take a look down at your phone resting on the table, then up at your fellow brothers and sisters in arms. How? HOW! How could this possibly be? It's not possible! It can't be possible!

It's only been six hours :)

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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