Chapter 4.42 - Testing New Powers

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Emmett jogged a lap around the Gray Room, continuing his usual routine after surgery. It got his blood and nanites flowing, and would help him heal faster.

He wasn't in a position to waste any time. There were rumors that the attack on the Deep Ones would begin in the next twenty-four hours. First, the bombs on the enclaves, then drones would strike at the clusters of psychic crystals. Once the Deep Ones were crippled, world militaries and supers would be ready for any last strikes on the surface.

Emmett needed to be ready for that and for whatever happened after.

His speed increased with each lap around the Gray Room. He could feel the two new implants taking up space in his gut. As soon as Emmett finished stretching his legs, he would start practicing with his new nanites. He'd be limited in the Gray Room, but he'd make the most of it. Emmett couldn't imagine Dr. Venture or TINA would approve of Emmett repurposing the high-tech material into more nanites.

The fusion battery wasn't connected yet, though TINA seemed confident that the portable version of her could help Emmett integrate it. Working together, they could use the new nanites to restructure and rewire the inside of his own body.

Emmett was still having trouble wrapping his head around the possibilities. It was easier to conceive going in for surgery than it was to think about actively performing surgery on himself—no matter how small of a scale he was working on.

Emmett, TINA, the new power source, and the nanites would work together in ways he could barely comprehend.

He was sprinting now, his momentum threatening to carry Emmett up the outer walls of the Gray Room. So he used his whip to grasp nearby buildings and take the corners even tighter. The wind roared, buildings blurred together and his chest rose in a steady rhythm.

Emmett leapt up the nearby buildings, intent on taking his final lap across the rooftops. He turned and cut diagonally so that his path would take him across the high rises of downtown. His strides became massive,crossing some rooftops in just three steps. He hit the edge of the rooftop and hurled himself upward four stories at a time.

He felt like a giant striding across Belport.

Once, Emmett might've been worried about pushing himself so soon after surgery, or worried about misjudging his footing as he hurtled across the rooftops.

Not anymore.

With each upgrade, Emmett had noticed a profound difference in his coordination and mobility. Mutagen-A had been the first step. Emmett would have described his capabilities like a gymnast or an elite athlete. Prosthetic limbs had been the second improvement, and made him feel like a jungle cat.

But now?

Now Emmett had perfect control over his body.

He didn't miss a step. His feet didn't slip. He could feel the Gray Room tiles shifting beneath each of his steps. He knew exactly how much force to exert to leap up to the next roof. Every movement was exact, honed to machine-like precision.

Emmett had read about supers that had perfect reflexes. Usually they had some combo of super strength or speed to go with it. As long as they had the strength and the endurance, their reflexes and coordination would hold out.

But Emmett wasn't limited like that. He'd keep getting stronger and faster. He had a fusion battery burning in his chest, just waiting to be tapped into. The canister of nanites would let Emmett remake himself like clay—the marble and the sculptor. And the copy of TINA in his head would help him achieve those things.

Emmett hurtled away from downtown and toward the main entrance of the Gray Room. He swung through alleys, using his whip to control his descent. He'd land on the roof, tuck and roll, and keep running without losing his stride. Emmett could have plummeted down almost ten stories at a time, but he didn't want to risk cracking the tiles beneath his feet.

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