The Bad Boy's Best Friend is Back

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Note: Rewriting is for the best and trust me you'll love it more than the original, I don't care that I probably won't have as many reads or readers as the original I'm just happy to put something out I actually love

"Nice to see you back Jayne," My guidance counselor Mrs. Schneider, typed on her keyboard. I forced a smile. "Now I see that all your credits are in order, are you excited to start senior year?" She asked and grinned at me, her fire truck red lipstick smeared on her teeth and I weakly nodded. Mrs. Schneider continued to talk about the classes offered at Boyden High and the wonderful STEM program. I sighed back into the uncomfortable wooden chair and looked around in the small square of the room, Mrs. Schneider had shelves of... porcelain babies.

Not the cute ones either, the real creepy ones with bulging eyes and detailed expressions.

"It's nice to be back Mrs. Schneider." I lied. I flashed the fakest smile I could manage followed by a scowl.

I'd rather be sawed in to Jayne chunks than be here honestly.

I left the guidance office with my freshly printed schedule in my hand and phone in the other. There was a number I was dying to call, my finger danced over the name.

Give me a sign universe. Should I?

The school bell rang and I decided to take that as a no. I mean if I really wanted to then I would... right?

I tucked my phone into my backpocket and adjusted my backpack. The hallways looked the same, same prison gray floors to match the prison gray walls. Same corny bulldog plastered everywhere promoting the football team, same 'Drug Free' posters by the renowned smoke spots, and the same fucking people.

I had grown up with the entire senior class, and could tell you how Howie Ure peed himself during the sixth grade chorus performance, and how Lise Teller had sharted during gym and had to be wheeled in a stretcher face down (to be fair the meat served that day wasn't really meat...).

I had grown up with everyone.

"Get Up Jay!" The Barbie walkie talkie blared. I don't even know why Devin and I used it; his voice could carry to my window.

I groaned and turned to the opposite side. "Jay... Come on Jay Bird, We have school Jay! This is your last warning!"

I turned over again to face my window, ready with a string of profanities on my tongue, there I saw Devin holding a red water balloon, his gray eyes were clouded with a crazed mischief. Before I could utter a single profanity, I was met with ice cold water and red ripped rubber on my face. "I just got these pajamas yesterday!" He didn't even reply all I got was his deep witch-like laughter. "You are so cliche," I threw the first thing near, my math book, out of my window over to his. It missed and landed on his bed beside him--which only caused more laughter. I flipped the bird and closed my window tight and made my way to the bathroom.

I turned on the warm water and stepped in. I don't know how long I was in the shower but in mid-conditioning of my dark hair, Devin came bursting in my bathroom. "Jayne! You've been in there an hour! Hurry up we're going to be late!"

I rinsed off my hair and grabbed a nearby towel and stepped out to see Devin, sitting on my sink swinging his long legs like a child. He was dressed in black jeans and a white V-Neck with his brown boots banging on the door of my sink cabinet. Starting to brush my teeth I noticed something different. Today his black hair was swept to the left side. I knew it was a small observation but Devin's hair had always been lazy, it has been since he was a baby and it was now--well not now because he looked like he put in effort.

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