Ch 6: An odd feeling

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Not much to say here other than new chapter with slight fluff wowowowowowo :333
Also, I just noticed how the memes kinda fit the chapters. I never considered this before help me-

~*(Curious light's POV)*~

I now lay motionless, staring into the distance as I processed what just happened. I've met a being of my own kind...I've finally spoken to someone who wasn't a mortal. I never expected this to happen...ever. Let alone wasting that rare situation to pointless argument about something dumb like a flashlight.

I've regretted not pushing the conversation into something more... i don't know...meaningful? Like, its not everyday you see another version of yourself offering assistance.

Talking about assistance, Guiding light was oddly calm about our interaction. I was throwing every single insult I could think of which now looking back, isn't the nicest thing to do to a person you've just met. Yet, they were so...patient and understanding.

Why didn't I act a lot more welcoming..?

I know that I'm not the nicest being in the universe, but I'm usually not this..hostile. Was I shocked? afraid of seeing a new face? I can't believe this...

I've done countless things that some mortals deemed "evil" and I've never bothered batting an eyelash...yet being mean to the blue light has made me feel not only remorse, but guilt?

I suppose I've gotten used to wanderers not being so kind to me. Cursing their hatred for the rooms, hearing them talk bad about my "advice"...

Hold on...why am I suddenly caring of what those morons say? More importantly, why am I thinking about Guiding light...?  While yeah, they're my own kind so of course I was intrigued by their presence, but I'm not thinking of that exactly. 

I only let out a slight sigh as I only stared at the floor, where the flashlight was originally placed. When will they come back..?


It's been approximately 3 hours since they left. And yes, I counted.

Why am I doing this? Why am I waiting for this fool who I have no real way of knowing if they'll keep their promise or not? Was it because of that flashlight? Or was it something else..?

What has gotten into me? Am I going insane-

A slow creak of a door could be heard as it awakens me from this weird trance like state. I look up to see a familiar blue-ish hue floating closer towards me...

"You...actually came back..?"  I murmured out them with slight disbelief, in which they only replied with a soft smile.

"But of course! Why wouldn't I?" They simply answered before extending their hand out towards mine. I didn't know how to react to this, so I stayed still.

"Come on, now. Don't you want your batteries that you have been gushing about?" 

Before I could respond, the blue specter sent a few batteries flying towards me. I reluctantly took them as I use my powers to hold said batteries. They gave me a tiny nod, gesturing me to put those batteries into the odd flashlight. And I did just that.

I flicked on the switch before holding the flashlight upwards. But since the starter room was the brightest out of the rooms, I couldn't see much of it. I sighed slightly at the lost potential, silently wishing to see the light shine a bit brighter. 

~*(Guiding light's POV)*~

When I gave the yellow light the batteries that they were very obsessed about, they immediately added it in the flashlight. Though, I can't help but notice that they seemed a bit disappointed at the end result. Understandably so. The room was well lit which made the light pop out a lot less.

Feeling bad for this failed project, I quickly thought of an idea that will hopefully cheer them up. But why am I doing this..? I haven't checked how the hotel was going ever since I've gotten here. Why am I focusing on a singular being while the hotel could be in danger without me knowing...?

God...don't overthink about the consequences, Guiding light. You've been through this before. Just help the current person in need and simply move on...Its that simple...right?

"Say, Curious light. How about we go somewhere darker so the light can show its true potential?"

The yellow light swayed a bit in their spot before slowly nodding their head in agreement. They seem a whole lot more calmer and quieter now...wonder why?

"Alright then. How about you lead the way since your the one in charge here?"

"What..? I mean...fine. Follow me..." They muttered  before floating away.

 As we both made our way to our destination, I noticed how the rooms were slowly getting significantly darker the deeper we go. But its not much of a problem since our bodies lighted our journey throughout. 

Everything here looks different. To the walls, the interior design and overall look of the place. The rooms had the appearance of block-like models with very rough textures. I personally find it quite endearing and a breath of fresh air from the constant dim lights and brownish wallpapers back at the hotel.

We soon entered room "A-100" and I half expected for Curious to stop here. Though, we kept going as the rooms repeated. It took me off guard for a split second since this was not what I was used to. But this is a different location, so I understand if things are a bit different here.

It was quiet the long walk before we reached the room "A-300". They briefly mentioned about being an "exit" somewhere around this mark. I asked them where that exit leaded to, which they only replied:

"I don't know...but the humans did say something about the hotel..." The hotel huh? That could explain why some wanderers randomly get missing while progressing through the hotel, only to mysteriously teleport into the infirmary hours later. I can't believe that the outsiders knew about this place before I did...

We soon break into a halt as we stopped in the middle of a significantly darker room. The only light source we had other than the flashlight is...ourselves.

The golden light didn't even hesitate to turn on the flashlight. I can already tell from their facial expressions that they are pretty excited for this.

I couldn't help but feel a bit giddy inside knowing that I might've made someone's day...Someone who wasn't just an entity...someone who wasn't just some human...It honestly felt kind of surreal..-

"AH!" I let out a surprised yelp as light began to fill my vision. I soon realized that it Curious light. They were shining the now very bright flashlight straight into my eyes with no warning whatsoever.

"I'm sorry but...what was that for..?"

"What? I couldn't even play around with the flashlight now?" They replied snobbishly, pointing the flashlight away from me before turning away. The bright golden light seemed to be having quite the thrill...its honestly pretty adorable.

Them being so entranced with such a simple item like a flashlight is quite least to me. They look like they're having the time of their life...!  Actually, I couldn't help but question why the latter was so defensive when we first met. They now seem to be a lot more calmer and dare I say...comfortable with my presence? 

Well if I had to say one thing about this change of pace, I'm just glad they seemed satisfied and happy with my assistance.


Oh shit, the hotel.

"Oh right...uh, I apologize for suddenly interrupting, but I must excuse myself!"

Curious light, who has very clear confusion on their face unfortunately didn't get to finish their sentence as I vanish out of sight. I didn't want too leave too soon, but I mustn't loiter around and leave the hotel unattended! Who knows what those entities are up to? 

I've been away from the hotel for far too long. Longer than I ever had in my life. To be honest, I don't think I ever left the hotel ever since I got there....

I float through a series of rooms, trying to find that exit Curious light told me about. After searching for what seems like 50 repeating rooms, I've finally found said exit.

The exit was quite hidden yet it is very easy to see now that the rooms are pitch black and the exit is illuminated by a shining golden light...why am I suddenly feeling weird? Its just light...yellow light! Stop thinking about them, guiding light...they're fine! They're doing completely fine without you...

As I rushed closer towards the exit, the soothing melody from the entrance of the rooms became louder. Brushing that off, I pulled on the door knob as I open the door with what seems like the infirmary on the other side. 

For some unexplainable reason, I took a glance back. Glaring back at me was the yellow specter, who was trying to hide behind a corner of the room. They were very obviously trying to see what I was doing in secret, but the glowing body and somewhat glistening eyes gave it away.

I didn't say anything as I only gave them a smile, taking my leave as I exit the rooms and enter the infirmary. I let out a long sigh as I take in my surroundings that I'm far more familiar of. The brown printed wallpapers, the slightly damp carpets and the very intriguing artworks hung up upon the wall.


After checking the greenhouse and successfully making sure everything is still intact, I took a long stroll around the hotel as I try to find anything else that could need some tinkering. I halt myself upon a room with a very eye catching lamp filled with...fireflies.

I let my gaze wander towards the lamp, finding it oddly calming despite the constant buzzing and the smell of burnt wax. I sometimes wonder why these guys never seem to perish. Its been god knows how long and the fireflies are still together, floating around mindlessly as they glow in the dark and lighting up any dark area that they are subjected to.

Not to mention that they are extremely nosy and they always go to the darkest places if they are curious on what's beyond the darkness.

The bugs remind me of a certain someone and I couldn't help but smile. Now that I think about it, they do sort of resemble a firefly. How interesting...

Well I suppose I know what I'm bringing next visit. I hope I didn't hurt any feelings of some sorts...if anything, I have a suspicion that I've developed some of my own.

Author: End of chapter 6! It's been a while since I wrote, huh? Again, I am very sorry for that. I'll try to improve on how I comprehend my procrastination and I hope you understand.

Anyways, I hope you enjoy this chapter! not much to say other than TYSM FOR 500+ reads! halfway to a fucking THOUSAND! I love you all so much and thank you for your support whether big or small. Okay, goodbye dear readers, love yah! :DD

The light of my life - A Guiding light x Curious light fanfic.Where stories live. Discover now