Ch 7: Agree to disagree

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Welcome back, dear reader! I've been away for a long while so I won't bother you with too much stuff rn bcz I know you guys are waiting for this. Everything I want to say is in the A/N in the end of this chapter! :D (Also bolded out words are the characters speaking!)
(This chapter is also very angst heavy so heads up with that)

~*(Curious light's POV)*~

"What even is this...?"

The blue fluorescent light mildly chuckled at my dumfounded question. I get that they're amused by this whole situation and all...but I need answers to whatever these flying maggots are. Their transparent wings reflecting the light that comes out of them as they zapped around mindlessly in a could you not be curious of such amalgamation?

"These little critters are fireflies. Considering your current expression, I'm assuming you've never heard of them before, hm? " 

I (unfortunately) shook my head, confirming this fact. God, I hate how Guiding looks so self-congratulatory when they know something I don't. Someday...I'll bite them back and we'll see who's laughing on their throne of pride!

"Why do they even put these creatures in here? Isn't it hurting them or something..?."

The specter before me shook their head at this, which has gotten me a bit lost. Putting living beings in concealed jars doesn't sound the most ideal. Buttt then again, What do I know about the creatures outside of the rooms? Might as well give the other light the benefit of the doubt...

Guiding light then swiftly pointed down at the top of the lantern, revealing that it was covered by a damp napkin.

"It doesn't harm them in the slightest if you let in a bit of air! This lantern has pierced spots that can be used as breathing holes. The wet napkin covers the holes whilst also giving the fireflies oxygen to breathe..."

Their explanation was straightforward enough and I surprisingly learned something. I have no idea how the fuck I'm gonna put this information I've been given to use...but its good to know nonetheless. Other than that, nothing really stood out to me...except for one certain detail.

"What's oxygen..?"

~*(Guiding light's POV)*~

I raise a single eyebrow, startled almost by this question. Every other thing that the golden specter has asked up until this point is relatively understandable...but being unaware of what oxygen is? I suppose its because our experiences with humans are different in some way or another. But even so, Its probably the smartest thing to enlighten them of how important oxygen is...especially towards wanderers.

"To put a long story short, Oxygen is an extremely crucial attribute to have for living beings such as plants, animals and most importantly...humans. They need oxygen in order to breathe. Without it, they'll be gone in a milisecond."

Curious light seemed to be listening towards most of my words, though I cannot say for sure since they kept glancing at the lantern beside of them. I totally understand though considering their nature of finding even the tiniest of details interesting...I can't lie, it is quite endearing to witness.

"Why do I need to know this, though..?"

"Considering your place in the rooms, I simply thought that learning more about human biology can be quite beneficial..."

The yellow specter merely scoffed at my words, which left me quite stumped. I just wanted to give them some my way of pursuing so not executed well..? Did I say something that might've hit a nerve in them?

"It must be beneficial to you...but definitely not for me. Why should I concern myself over some good-for-nothing wanderer who couldn't even get pass the first hundred rooms? Especially the ones who complain about my advice being vague and unhelpful. Maybe I would root for them more if they can open a locker in time!"

I stumbled back slightly, a bit startled by the sudden aggression. The latter light grumbled angrily, ranting their heart out. I can feel the anger and displeasure radiating off Curious light and it was certainly not the best sight to see. Though, I'm not sure if should interfere in their little tangent or not. I contemplated in my thoughts for a second before deciding to stay silent.

It only took a minute for Curious to calm down, their tense figure slowly relaxing and his overall structure softening. They glanced back at me with an odd look that seemed like it was a mix of guilt and annoyance. Although, I think most of that annoyance is towards the golden soul themselves for suddenly lashing out.

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⏰ Last updated: 7 days ago ⏰

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