Out of Hiding

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Some time later, after I had hidden away, I heard on the news that operation impending doom 2 was starting and for everyone to meet on planet conventia. Obviously, I wanted to go, to get more information, and some spare parts. I grabbed a disguise of a different irken. Instead of my normally purple colored eyes, I put on some contact lenses to make my eyes look like a normal red-is pink. I also put on a red uniform, replacing my dark purple one. And for my pak, I painted the spots on it a light red to match other irkens paks. And finally I grabbed a bald cap and hid my antennas and put on some fake, normal looking female antennas because mine looked almost nothing like anyone else's. Mine were longer and more droopy, so I couldn't wave them around or do much with them. They just ... sat there.

With that, I was ready to go to conventia. I carefully escaped my base and waited for a large crowd so I could blend in. I took a voot cruzer and headed for conventia. After an hour or so, I finally arrived. I used the complimentary teleporter and teleported on the planet.

As I was walking to where the great assigning was being held the irken on the monitor said "be sure to visit the gift shop for all kinds of cheap useless stuff. If your here for the great assigning, please remember where you parked, and procede to the main convention hall" I did as instructed. How else would I be able to get my parts and info? I stood near the front of the stage as the irken on the monitor spoke again "Now, wiggle your antenna in salute, because here they are! Your all knowing, all powerful leaders. The almightyyyyy tallesssstttt!!" As soon as he stopped talking the stage opened up and smoke emerged from the cracks of its opening. Then a small drone flew up to the near top of the hall and the lights dimmed as the light from the drones beamed down over the irken audience.

From another machine the large projector screen edges unfolded and the monitor screen turned on. Soon after that, the tallest lowered down on a levitating platform waving at the audience. From the platform lasers beamed on the audience again, and soon after they cheered for their leaders. shortly after, tallest purple said "Thank you! Thank you!" I saw tallest red lean over to purple but I couldn't hear what he said. Purple leaned back over to red looking annoyed, but yet again I couldn't hear what they said over the crowd.

Just then Tallest Purple got shot in his eye with a laser and rolled on the platform in pain while Tallest Red giggled. The audience cheered louder. In response to the audiences amusement Tallest Red looked satisfied, still waving. After the platform landed on the stage Tallest Red continued with the assigning "Welcome Mighty irken soldiers! You are the finest example of irken military training the irken army has to offer!" As red says this purple had already stood up and is rubbing his eye. "Good for you!" Red continued "standing behind us however, are the soldiers we've chosen for roles in one of the most crucial parts in operation impending doom 2!" As soon as he said that the projecting screen showed a map of planets yet to be conquered.

At the same time the audience cheered again. Red said again "you in the audience just get to sit and watch" purple said "you should have tried harder!" Red nodds in agreement. Red continued "these superior ones-" he gets cut off. "Not quite as superior as us of course" purple said. Red scoffs "duh! These, less superior than us, but still quite superior soldiers, will each be assigned to an enemy planet!" Purple continues "there you will each blend in with the hideous native inhabitants-" "all while gathering crucial information, assessing the planets weaknesses, making it vulnerable to our ... big ... space ship ... gang!" "The armada?" Purple corrected. I giggled a bit that red forgot what the name of their ship was called.

"Now!" Purple shouted. "Let the assigning begin!" One singular irken in the audience cheered "wooooo!" They start with invader lard, and assign him to planet blorch, the home of the slaughtering rat people. But because of his increased size he was instead assigned to vort home of the universes most comfiest couch. The assigning went on and I collected data from it until the tallest said that it was over I was just about to leave when I heard a loud "waiittt!!!!" come from the audience.

The Tallest looked nervous, as the irken budged through the crowd of other irkens and climbed up to the stage he kept shouting wait. He climbed up on the stage as the tallest said in unison "Zim!" "Sorry I'm late my tallest, I couldn't find my invitation! Your lucky I made it at all?" Zim said. "You weren't invited at all" the Tallest responded. I was very intrigued in their conversation but I couldn't hear most of it, I heard bits and phrases but I couldn't put it all together, so I focused on their body language. It looked like Zim was begging for something, an assignment I assume.

The Tallest say no and give him a sandwich "waiiitt!" I hear him say, the tallest shrug and walk over to the projector to find a planet. I memorized the coordinates of the planet they pointed to, for I know it might come in handy later. I see purple get shot with a laser again before I walk out. After that I sneak to the place they hand out S.I.R. units and I rummage through the trash for any spare parts. I collected what I need and as I put the parts in my bag I hear someone say "hey! You there! Get over here!" I get scared and I run away quickly, trying to loose the pursuer in the crowd so I can retreat to my base.

After running for a while I am sure I lost my pursuer and I start walking as to not draw suspicion. After what feels like forever I finally make it to my base, and I crawl inside, closing the trap door behind me.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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