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Sally was re stocking her first aid when she hears him walk up behind her "I have nothing to say to you"she says coldy as she sits aside certain materials for her first aide kit as she restocked it 

Bill sighs as he runs a stressed hand through his hair"Sally you know I didn't mean to hurt jo it just wasn't meant to be"he says only pissing her off as she lets out a scoff slamming her hands down on the table she was using as she turns and glares at him over her shoulder.

"A marriage works both ways asshole instead of being there for Jo you just left and sent out divorce papers me and jo are trying to make better warning systems for tornadoes but you wouldn't understand that"she says shoulder bumping him hard as she walks past as jo looks at her older sister in worry ever since that night they lost there dad she's been different.

Sally walks off away from the others as she pulls out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter as she lights her a cigarette as jo walks over.

"Hey we got the machine to work so we should get some readings...are you okay"she asked as Sally blows out smoke.

"I'll be fine once he and his new girlfriend leave so we can go back to a stress free break "Sally says leaning against some hay stacks as jo nods her head before walking over back to the others as she puts out her cigarette.

She goes back to restocking on her first aid box bill walks over with the papers as he looks nervous.

"Look I'm just gonna get straight to it I need you to get Jo to sign this paper to make the divorce paper so me and Melissa can get going"he says as she slams the box closed as she turns around with a glare.

"I'm not your fuckin servant asshole don't ever order me to do something that is gonna hurt joe but not like you care at all so be a man and do it yourself but I hope it was worth it"she spat walking past him to her sisters truck as she opens the door putting the first aide box in before grabbing her cigarettes as she lights another one as she takes a drag before taking the cigarette out as she blows out smoke as the wind blows gently through her hair.

She watches the storm clouds in the distance as they were gonna chaise some tornadoes today hoping to improve on the alarm system to actually give people a chance to be ready for when one hits.

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