Chapter 7: Searching For Her

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As the dream progressed, a shadow fell over their idyllic romance when Paulina's father announced their family's decision to move away to a new, vaster town. The news was sudden, and this devastated her greatly. Despite her deep attachment to Tobias, Paulina knew that mentioning him to her father would only complicate matters further. She tried to argue against the move, pleading with her father to reconsider, but she refrained from mentioning Tobias, knowing that her father's expectations for her future were different from her own desires.

Paulina tried to argue against the move. "Do we really have to move away, father? I'm not ready for this..."

Her father dismissed her concerns with a wave of his hand. "Nonsense...You should be happy as I saved up for months and bought the new estate, which is going to be our new home. One that is much pricier and fancier than this old dump we live in."

Paulina's chest tightened. This house, with all its familiar creaks and corners, was the only home she'd ever known. "It's not fair," she whispered. "I'm going to miss my friends. This place will always feel like home to me."

She looked up at him, pleading, her eyes filled with desperation. "Please, Father. Think again."

But her father's face remained stern, his decision already set in stone. "My mind is made up," he said firmly. "Don't be ungrateful, Paulina. I'm doing this for you."

He softened his tone, as if trying to reason with her. "I'll guarantee you'll live a much easier lifestyle with a better education and all the finer things in life."

Driven by the desire for social advancement and the pursuit of a higher status for his family, her greedy and avarice father remained steadfast in his decision. In his eyes, marrying a man like Tobias, who did not belong to their social circle, would never be acceptable for his daughter. Tobias learned about the news soon after and he was just as devastated as she was since he never got the chance to say goodbye. He tried to explain to his foster parents about it, but they scoffed at his unhappiness over her leaving. Their callous reaction only served to deepen Tobias's sense of despair and loneliness. Throughout the years with his foster parents, Tobias had never experienced love or affection from them. Their treatment of him had always been cold and utilitarian, viewing him merely as a means to fulfill their household chores.

"So what if she moved away?" his foster father said dismissively. "Nothing you can do about it, boy." He then went on to say, "Her father would instantly reject you for her if he ever found out about you."

His foster mother sided with his foster dad. "Them moving away is for the best. You have nothing to offer for her, Tobias."

Tobias talked back. "No, you're wrong! She's my soulmate and I love her. I'll never let anyone break our love apart. I'll do anything to convince her father otherwise."

His foster father chuckled, a cruel sound that made Tobias's blood boil. "And how do you plan to do that? The venerable farmer's perfect daughter in  'love' with you?" he laughed. "She's way out of your league. No one would ever approve of you two together."

His foster mother joined in, her laughter ringing in his ears. "Right! You're just a wretched, filthy orphan boy with no family nor status." She then sternly ordered him, "Now don't think about her and get them counters scrubbed!"

The words sliced through him like a blade, and something inside Tobias snapped. "Then let me say this. I've had enough of you both."

"You never cared about my wishes and you do nothing but order me around like a slave!" Tobias shouted, the years of bottled-up resentment pouring out all at once. 

The next moment, his foster father was on his feet. The slap came fast and hard, leaving Tobias's cheek stinging with pain. "How dare you speak to your mother and father like that with so much ego, you ungrateful brat!"

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