Episode - 7

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"you made me do it."

"What do you mean?" Jimin exclaimed being confused,

"it's because of you that you guys swapped bodies and it will be because of you that you'll get them back." Said jungkook with a straight face and just then taehyung entered.

Jungkook took a glance of him then turned back to jimin and said,"so,think twice before doing something park jimin." And walked out of the room.

"What's going on?" Taehyung said while coming to him and continued,"you said you'll tell me something about jungkook what is it?" Jimin was about to say something but he saw a shadow at the door like someone's standing there and he understood that jungkook's keeping an eye on him so, he felt this wasn't the right time and said," It's nothing i just wanted to tell you that jungkook's a nice guy right."

Taehyung made a pissed face and said,"seriously jimin! That's what you wanted to say while I was assuming the worst situations" he scoffed and said,"whatever now let's go suah must be waiting for me."

"Wait, why would suah wait for you?" Jimin asked furrowing his eyebrows." I...I mean...she will be waiting for you who is me so she me who is your should go right." Taehyung said while jimin still seemed confused " now let's go." Taehyung said and pulled jimin's arm and took hm out of the room.

They were walking in the corridor while jimin's mind was still stuck on jungkook's words,

"you made me do it."

"it's because of you that you guys swapped bodies and it will be because of you that you'll get them back."

"Do you have any idea of how to get our bodies back?"taehyung asked jimin and he shook his head and he continued ,"i thought about it whole night and I think we should, again come infront of a car. like that's how we swapped bodies so, maybe we'll swap them back."

He said being hopeful and jimin said,"that's not gonna work." "How can you say that without trying?" Taehyung exclaimed while they were still on there steps.

"it's jungkook! He is the only one who can answer that." Jimin said to himself.

As he was thinking about it he suddenly stopped in his steps and taehyung turned back to him and asked,"what now?" "I'll ask him directly!" Jimin mumbled and said,"I'll call you later. Wait for it."and turned back and ran while taehyung was still there.

"what's wrong with this brat?" He thought to himself and then said,"whatever suah must be waiting!" While he smiled thinking of her and continued walking.

- Inha -

I and suah were standing at the staircase as it was the end of the day. I had decided to not let suah know the truth at any cost.

"Suah!" Taehyung shouted while running towards us "sorry iam late did you wait too long?"he said while scratching the back of his head "not at all we just came out." suah said and he smiled and said,"Then should we get going?" And suah nodded.

I was glaring at him as he like seriously forgot me and asked far as I know about him according to his behaviour around suah and him forgetting me when he is with her i was sure that even he likes suah back.

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