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At seven exactly I sent a text to Nate, “Morning babe.”
Thirty minutes later he answered me, “Goodmorning Beautiful!”
He really is perfect for me!” I thought. I had a stupid smile on my face again.
“Wanna meet for coffee?” I answered. He responded right away,
“Took the words right out of my mouth.”
“Great! Luck O’l the Irish Coffee shoppe?” I questioned.
“But of course M'lady! ;)” He said.
I grabbed my keys off my night stand and headed out of my room.
If you knew what he did…"  I heard a voice say. I paused in the doorway. I shivered as a voice slithered into my ear.
If you knew what he did…”
I swung a fist around. “Who the hells here?!” I yelled. I was met with empty air. I was alone. My heart was beating so hard I feared it was going to come right out of my chest. I pulled my phone out of my bag and tried to call Nate. My hands were shaking so bad, it took several tries to unlock the darn thing. But when I got to his number, something stopped me from calling him. I didn’t want to sound crazy. I took a deep breath. I made it to my car, and my hands stopped shaking.

When I got to the coffee shop Nate was already ready with two coffees in hand. A good mood came upon me when I spotted him. I skipped up to him and enveloped him in a hug. He looked down at me,
“Well someones in a-” I cut him off with a kiss. He seemed a little startled but then kissed me back. I tried to deepen the kiss, but he broke it.
“Coffee. I’m going to drop them!” He said, slightly stern.
“I love you.” I said dreamily. His expression turned to one of shock.
“You, love me…?” He repeated. I realized then what I had just told him. I felt my cheeks heat up. But I found my courage.
“I love you!” I said with a smile. He gave me a small smile.
“Come on, I saw a good table over there.” He said.
“Alrighty!” I said and hooked arms with him.

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