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Upon hearing that , a cloud of thoughts went through my head. I glanced at Yuki , she was still picking scents. Then , I looked at the bottle of fragrence resting in front of me with an empty label. Picking the marker , I wrote " Re(d)-Bound " on the label and left it for packaging. I went to help Yuki , we were done with everything in a few minutes. P'Kento offered to buy us dinner , Yuki and I both tried to refuse him but he charmed his way to us. That's how I ended up at the Italian place , munching on the garlic bread appetizer while talking to Yuki and my new friend Kento-san. Those two were talking something in Japanese , Yuki looked flustered. I wondered what they were talking about. Right then , Kento turned towards me asking ' Annop-chan , Do you like our Yuki ? '. I smiled awkwardly and stayed silent as I didn't want to confess this way. Kento took the hint and changed the topic to picking something from the menu. Yuki became indecisive , I knew she was a light eater thus I suggested ' Yuki-chan , Why don't we share Spaghetti alla Carbonara '. Kento eyed me , Yuki smiled awkwardly saying ' I can't eat that. I'm lactose intolerant '. I masked my expressions as my thoughts were ' I thought I knew everything, how did I miss something important like that...or Did I forget..? '.

Kento said ' It runs in the blood ' then they both ordered " Pasta Aglio e Olio ". It came quickly , I was busy stuffing myself , While Yuki teased me that I looked like a hamster with its cheek full. Kento gestured at the cheese stain on my outer lips , I couldn't get it. Yuki leaned in and wiped the stain from my mouth with her hands. I thanked both but my mind went back to Chan's words " First , Physical touch always  elicit a response ". I didn't want to think about it so, I diverted my attention towards the waiter wandering around the tables with a big ass tiramisu tray. Kento noticed my eyes twinkling , he called me adorable and passed a plate of tiramisu. I happily ate it , putting a pause on my thoughts.

I was gonna offer Yuki to drop her home but then I remember I don't have a car or bike. Then, she told me that her brother will pick her up. He did in a few minutes , I slowly walked to the bus station waiting for the 243. Two high school students were sitting next to me , " Meung , it took me a while to notice. Why do you have a different button on your shirt " , " Ahh! My baby sister plucked if off the other day and I had to sew it ".

I glared at the sky thinking " I know it's your doing, You  darn heaven !!. Otherwise , there's no reason for my mind to constantly look at something and co-relate that with him. Still, I don't care about the soulmate stuff. I don't like him '.

" Really ..? " , the student next to me shouted suddenly. I almost thought he was talking to me. Some bus arrived at the station , I looked at the number " 243 ". I boarded on quickly.


Within a minute walk from the bus stop , I was at home. It was dark , I guess mom isn't home yet. Turning on the required lights , I kept my bags on the couch and walked inside the kitchen. Roaming through the fridge , I noticed some leftover rice. I boiled some chicken and made some chicken congee for my mother. I placed it on the dinner table with a note. Washing the dirty dishes , my eyes slowly became heavy. I headed to my room and drifted to the dream land.

---------( The Next day )-----------------

Annop sat on the bench working on his business statistics assignment with his teammates , he looked around one was zoning out , the  one next to him asleep with his eyes open , the last one squinting his eyes fighting the battle of sleep. Annop sighed , he slammed the table waking up all their senses ' Imma head to the vending machine to get your lazy ass some coffee , Freshen up till I come back. Professor Tawan is so close to giving us F grade on this paper if we don't present this assignment with perfect content. We're screwed '. The group nodded , Annop grabbed his wallet and walked  to the vending machine on the other side of the building.

A familiar face was standing at the vending machine , Annop greeted him ' Aow , Niran. How have you been ? Get me a cola so that I will forgive you for leaving me on read '. The boy looked annoyed at something when the older came close. He asked , ' You're wearing perfume ? '. Annop nodded , the younger mumbled ' That explains her story  and posts last night '. The other looked confused until he remembered Yuki's story , she had posted the photos they took last night with the perfume they made together. Annop cheerfully smiled saying ' I finally asked her out on a date. You should be happy for me '. The younger smirked , not the playful one but the irritated and pissed off one. He said ' Happy..? Me ? I'm not a saint Annop '. The older was puzzled at the boy who visibly looks disappointed and  upset at something. It didn't make it better when Annop said ' Aow! All my friends were happy '.

The younger sighed saying ' So, Am I your friend Phi ? '. The older couldn't stand to see his face especially his eyes that looked sad but his lips were a smile. Annop's throat went dry as he knew something went haywired on their tangled string of webs.


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