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the isle of the lost

"rotten to the core."

MADELINE and Mal were currently spray painting outside, painting their mother's pictures and quotes with green, purple, red and black.

The two looked at each other with smiles then began singing alongside the other.

"They say im trouble, they say im bad" Mal started and Maddie then began. "They say im evil, and that makes me glad." They then laughed with each other running away to find the others.

"A dirty no-good, down to the bone. Your worst nightmare cant take me home." Jay sang while climbing down a steep latter then smirking at the girls below.

"So i got some mischief, in my blood. Can you blame me? I never got no love." Evie stomped on a long dinner table before swinging on some beams and flirting with a man who looked at her intriguingly.

"They think im callous, a low-life hood. I feel so useless, misunderstood!" Carlos shouted before stealing a little girls apple and biting into it as she chased him angrily.

"Mirror, mirror on the wall." Mal, Evie and Madeline strutted down the alleyway, Mal standing in the middle as the three of them grinned at each-other. "Who's the baddest of them all?"

"Welcome to my wicked world, wicked world." The five of them met a busy washing place, Mal launching the metal gate open so the five if the could wreak havoc. They all stomped on the clothes and baskets, making people fall over and drop things everywhere.

"Im rotten to the core, core. Rotten to the core! Im rotten to the core, core. Who could ask for more. Im nothing like the kid next, like the kid next door. Im rotten to the core, im rotten to the, im rotten to the core!"

"Call me a schemer, call me a freak. How could you say that im just unique!" Mal sang as the opened a shower curtain to a man trying to take a bath.

"What me a traitor? Ain't got your back? Are we not friends? Whats up with that!" Jay ran around an open market as he stole the shiniest things he could find around.

"So im a misfit? So im a flirt? I broke your heart? I made ya hurt?" Evie pushed through a bunch of scarfs, inspecting each one before going to pull one of an older mans neck.

"The past is past. Forgive, forget!" Carlos shouted as he ran along knocking over foods as Madeline trailed behind jumping at people scaring them away before singing again. "The truth is, you ain't seen nothing yet!" the dark haired girl shouted.

The pair quickly jumped on a trolley holding a bunch of hay and chucking it at a woman who was chasing them before laughing at her.

"Mirror, mirror. On the wall. Who's the baddest of them all. Welcome to my wicked world, Wicked world." Mal and Evie sang as Carlos and Maddie jumped on a long table stomping down it before going over to a beam and pulling it over as Jay swung on it.

The quintet quickly ran down to another alley the boys and girls all lining up, Mal standing in the middle as Carlos and Evie stood to her right and Jay and Maddie stood to her left, Maddie standing on the end.

They all started dancing together, other VKs joining in around them but the focus stayed in them five. The singing started not soon after they started dancing again, then all following each other's moves.

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