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the magic wand

"theres so many flowers!"

MAL opened the door to the girls dorm room slowly, the pink haired girl peeking in before moving as Evie squeezed Madeline's hand in excitement.

Madeline could see Mal's face turn in disgust and Evie's mouth and eyes widen in joy. Madeline was just happy she was away from her mother. She never felt a bond with her.

As the girls entered, they could see the pink curtains blowing in the wind. They could see the light shining through the windows as Mal squinted and they could see the many flowers surrounding the room.

Madeline ran to the window with a grin meeting her lips, staring out in the garden at the variety of flowers as she counteddown the seconds she could wait before she jumped out the window in attempt to find a magic flower of some sort.

Evie gasped in amazement, a smile slowly forming on her lips. "Wow! This place is so amaz..."

"Gross." Mal interrupted her.

"I know right? Amazingly gross.. Ew." Evie trailed off, changing her answer to Mal's liking.

"I disagree, theres so many flowers.." Madeline mumbled as Evie smiled at the girl as she had guts to stick up to Mal.

"Your mother has gotten to your head Maddie.." Mal sang quietly while Madeline spun her head around, giving Mal a death glare that Evie had seen way too often. "Ugh.. Im going to need some serious sunscreen."

Mal then quickly pointed at the curtains signally Evie to close the pink drapes that stood to the side of each window Madeline was looking out at.

Evie walked over to Madeline, whispering a sorry before shutting the curtains on her.

"Hey! Just because its too bright for you doesn't mean you need to interrupt me!" Madeline groaned, spinning to face Mal who only replied with a fake smile at the black haired girl.

The large wooden door beeped as Mal opened the door to the boy's room, the pink haired girl grinning as this room was more suited to her than the small pink one.

Madeline looked over at the white haired boy, seeing him make theatrical noises to the game he was playing, the girl rolling her eyes as a slight smile appeared on her face.

"Jay what are you doing?" Mal asked as she spotted the boy unloading a bag of random gold and silver things, which he thought might be useful.

"It's called stealing." Jay said simply, grinning at the amount of things he had found.

"Woah! How'd you get so much?" Madeline exclaimed in question as she put her fist out in which the long haired boy returned with a fist of his own.

"Im slick. Duh?"

"Okay, whats the point?" Mal then asked, Madeline raising a brow at the girl.

"Well, Mal its like buying whatever I want, except its free."

"Okay. So, you can do that, or you could leave all of this here and pick it up when we take over the world!" Mal said happily as Madeline scoffed at how much she sounded like Maleficent.

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