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The man seemed down, Vox noted, the pull of the smile wasn't as bright as it usually was. The liquor not as strong or potent. The man in question was overly confident but now seemed shrunken into himself. Vox pushed back the worry that was eating at his heart, returning to the task at hand.

"You said you had a business deal to propose?" He mused, swirling the liquid around his glass, not missing when his partner's eyes caught on it, seeming to get lost in the movement rather than the moment, the words seeming to fly right over his head. "Alastor?"

The other snaps out of his daydream-like daze and nods, "Yes, that's right, I want to offer you a deal, what if we combine our forces? Unstoppable leadership, power, and not to mention the sales would skyrocket!"

"You do have a point, but you seem distracted today, little deer, what's running through your head?" Vox prods, the concern now back in full swing.

"Ah, it's nothing, V, don't worry about it. The hour is getting late and I should be returning to the station, I still have a show to record!"

Vox's frown deepens, annoyed with the man before him. "Alastor."

His voice cuts through the night air, slinking deep into the bones of them both. "Sorry, Vox."

"Hmm? For what, Al? You haven't done anything?"

"Leaving. I guess I still feel guilty about it."

Vox knew that wasn't the complete truth, but with half his soul bared, he wasn't about to sink his claws into his best friend's flesh. He had already gone through so many misdemeaning trials. He wondered if the other would still lean on him.

"Liar." Vox bites out, sipping at his lukewarm drink. "You did, but you don't anymore, something deeper is at work here."

Alastor sinks onto the couch, staring at his hooves. "No, no, that's the truth, I'm just withholding other pieces of information."

Vox nodded, he knew that was what was bothering the other. "Why don't you stay tonight? It will be just like old times!"

"How can it be like old times, V? We've both changed so much."

"We can forget about that for tonight, go back to our old ways. I still have your pajamas in my closet."

Alastor's smile seems to widen and brighten, shaking his head mindlessly. "And here I was thinking you had forgotten about me."

"I could never forget about you, little deer."

Alastor sighs and rises to his feet once more, slipping down the hall to Vox's bedroom to rifle through his closet while the other tidied up the living room. Vox gathers their glasses and places the bottles back where they belong and the glasses into the sink, wiping down the table with a damp cloth. He resituates decorative pillows and throw blankets. And after making sure everything is in order, he returns to the bedroom, feet padding silently against tile floors. He lightly knocks on the door before he enters waiting for permission.

He hears a quiet 'come in' and does so. He allows the door to shut behind him on silent hinges, gliding into the room. He stands before his closet and sighs, looking for a T-shirt and a pair of shorts. He eventually finds some suitable and strips down, before slipping into the clothes he's picked out. He closes the doors of the closet and slips under the blankets of his bed beside Alastor. He situates then opens his arms, welcoming the younger into his embrace. He runs a gentle hand through the other's bob, listening to the other male's breathing.

"It's good to have you home, Al."

"It's good to be home, V."

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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