kalolill fluff

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A/N: Karol's feelings for Lill become overwhelming. Lill comforts her.
Requested by underwateraqua

Karols pov:

I've been in love with Lill for a while now. We became good friends after season 2. It's been a lot.

I never told anyone I'm a lesbian. Simply because my parents are religious, and I wanted the best for my children.

I got divorced before season 2. Somehow, my husband did figure it out.

My feelings for Lill had overwhelmed me a lot. Today, I was gonna see her again. I was pretty nervous because I have no idea what she might think of me. I'm too scared to confess.

I leave my house to go at the cafe where we had agreed to meet.

After a 10 minute walk, I arrive. Lill is already there. "Hey Lill." I say. "Hey, Karol. How have you been?" She asks. "I've been okay. How are you?" I say. "I've been doing pretty well." She says.

We go inside the cafe and sit down at a table. "Hey, you seem nervous. Is there anything wrong?" She asks. "Oh uhm. I don't know. I've had some things on my mind and I don't know how to deal with them." I say.

"Hey, it's okay. I know some things can be stressful. What's on your mind exactly?" She asks.

"Oh uh. Well, I like you, Lill. More then a friend. I'm afraid." I say.

"I like you too. Has this been bothering you for long?" She asks.

"A few months now." I say.

"Well, if it makes it easier. I would like to be in a relationship with you." She says.

"Same here. Does this make us girlfriends then?" I ask.

"Yes." She says.

We continue chatting. It feels good to finally have told her. A weight is off my shoulder and we're dating now. Things couldn't be better.



They're wifes, actually.

- Sander, 319 words.

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