Chapter 11

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Isaiah took his first steps inside the wooden building and felt the magic of his surroundings.


The scent of spices mixed with the stale air above created a strange yet pleasing smell for his nose, while the sound of laughter, cheers, and people moving about filled his ears. The place was busy and boisterous, filled with life as befitting its size.

Wood dominated the building from its walls to the ceiling, but the floor was paved with stone and some kind of concrete mixture. Wide and expansive, it felt like he had just entered a mall with the space afforded by the place, on the opposite end was a balcony, with chairs and tables placed along the sides. The tavern mostly occupied the space, rows of wooden tables and long chairs filled the spots, most of the people inside mingled here, some eating and others drinking, but there were those who were simply socializing, speaking to their partners or potential clients.

Almost everyone had a plate hanging around their necks, however, there were also a small amount of ordinary folks, here to listen to tales or perhaps scout the solution to their problem. Adventurers, as it turns out, deal with all sorts of problems and are not just limited to defeating monsters.

"Out of the way..." A muscular man shoved Isaiah out of the door as he and his party of eight entered the building, "Don't stand in the middle." the tall lady at the end warned him.

"Sorry, sorry." Isaiah bowed as he shrank himself into one corner before proceeding quietly inside the building.

Every step that he took made his heart race faster, the sights and the sound were truly foreign in his eyes. There was a particularly strong smell coming from his right and upon checking to see what it was, he could see a large brick oven, a fat lady inserted her hand inside the oven and took out a steaming hot clay pot, despite the heat she looked unfazed as she handed the pot over to a boy who quickly began distributing its contents onto a dozen smaller bowls, said bowls were then quickly distributed to waiters who gave them out to the customers. Its contents looked edible and were of a different league compared to what he ate at the mansion.

The kitchen was large, staffed by about five people with one singular oven and many counters lined up in the walls, at the midst of it all was a wooden table filled to the brim with all kinds of ingredients and cooking stuff. Right in front of him was a long counter that was empty, on it were three large jugs with wooden taps installed whilst behind it were rows of unlabeled glass bottles of all shapes and sizes, a man emerged from a door carrying a jug to which he placed right next to the three others,

"Rum has arrived!" He announced with a loud voice followed by plenty of cheers as adventurers flocked towards his table to order their glasses. Isaiah found himself suddenly assaulted by a wave of sweaty bodies as he tried to move out of the area, he managed to free himself soon after and looked back at the crowd,

'Wow, is it happy hour or something?' He looked up, the roof itself was filled with windows for ventilation, and he could see that the sky was turning darker, 'Looks like I can't take a quest today, might as well enjoy the city for now.'

A noise from behind him caught his attention and there he saw a large creature that resembled a lizard. It had the body of a scaly lizard but its head was rather long and smooth similar to a bone marrow, and was blanketed by a small foilage of dark green hair which covered much of its face.

'682?' He gasped as he watched the lizard resist its master who was pulling it inside another room, the lizard was at first winning but when its master's companions joined in pulling, it soon gave out and followed after them deeper inside. Behind it was a carriage filled with the corpses of monsters. Surprisingly it didn't stink, 'The adventurers must have already prepared them beforehand, would that mean I also have to prepare corpses?' He watched until the lizard's low growl, which resembled that of a car engine, disappeared into the room. It was his first time seeing a creature native to this planet and it only doubled his already excited state. 'I have a taming ability, would love to have one of them someday.'

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