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Odette's POV

   Mira and I were stopped at our tracks. Clearly it didn't work to sneak past her. She still had that type of smile that would give you chills up your spine. Mira and I looked at each other. She scoffs, "You know, I never thought I would run into you two!" Mira rolls her eyes. 

   "Oh come on! You are the one who backstabbed both of us! You had sex with Odette's boyfriend, which is now her ex now 'cause of you! And you called me a slut! But yet you are sleeping around and involved in drugs!" 

   "Mira, honey, I can't help that guys want me. I'm so much better than you two combined. I'm having a blast! It's call living!...Which you two don't know how to do." 

   "Mira, let's just go!" 

   "How's sneaking around with your brother's best friend?" I gave Lina a dirty look. How the hell does she know?!

  "How the hell do you know that?" I asked her. She let out a chuckle. "Believe me, I know! Just the way you two act in public, it just gives it away. How does your brother feel about that? You fucking him. I bet he good at that. Maybe, I'll see for myself." 

   Oh hell no! 

   Before anymore words were said, my fist contacts to Lina's face. She looked surprised. There was blood coming out of her nose and on her fingers of her right hand. Mira let out a short laugh. I looked at my hand to see some blood on my knuckles. Then I looked at Lina.

   "What the hell?! Why did you punch me?! You stupid bitch!" 


Sad Eyes POV

   Spooky and I were with the other Santos at his house. Cesar was sitting on the couch on his phone. I took a sip of my beer. We all looked at Cesar when he quickly stood up. "Bro, we need to go to Dwayne's Joint BBQ!" 

   "Why?" Spooky looked at him confused. "Our sister is in a fight!" 

   "Oh shit!" Spooky quickly drops his can of beer. The three of us and Joker rushes into Spooky's car. He speeds off to where Odette was. 


   After about fifteen minutes, we arrived at Dwayne's Joint BBQ. We all saw that there was people gathered around something. We quickly got out of the car and headed to the group of people. We pushed through all the people to be in front of them. We saw both Lina and Odette fighting. My mouth dropped. She had a fistful of Lina's hair then pulled her onto the ground, following by her punching her. She then climbed on top of her and continued punching her. Her fists were almost covered in blood. I looked at Lina to see her face covered in blood. Spooky and I looked at each other for a second before running over to stop the fight. Both Spooky and I pulled Odette off of Lina. 


Odette's POV 

    I was sitting on the couch while my two brothers were fighting. My arms were crossed. I was irritated. Blood was coming out of my nose. During the fight, there was blood was spilled. Lina got the worst of it. I do have bruises and some cuts. I have a history of fighting. In middle school, I used to get detention for fighting another classmate. As I grew up, the fighting declined. In high school, I barely got into fights...unless it was over something about my family. I looked up at them. "Will you stop fighting?!" The two looks at me. 

   "How about you stop fighting?" Cesar snapped at me. 

   Oscar chips in as he looks at him. "Shut the fuck up bro!" 

   "Seriously! There was a reason why I was fighting Lina. She said something that pissed me off!" 

   Oscar asked me, "What was it about?" 

   "She wants to get with someone I love and care about. That's all I'm saying right now. I really don't want to talk about who. It's the wrong time." 

   "You are still in trouble though. No going out for a week." 

   I rolled my eyes at Oscar. "Whatever. Can I go in my room now?" 

   He sighs, "Go ahead." 

   I gave a sarcastic smile. "Thank you." I stood up and walked to my room. As I was shutting my door, I can hear Oscar talking. "It's been awhile since she got into a fight like that. Last time she actually drawl blood was in elementary school." 

   "Lina must have said something to really piss her off." I heard Sad Eyes said. "Yeah. To be honest, I'm both proud and upset with her. I had to pull strings to keep her from getting in trouble with the police today." 

   I looked down. I closed the door all the way. I sighed as I walked to my bed. I tossed my phone on my one pillow. Then I flopped on the bed. I stared at my ceiling as my mind is blank. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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