Chapter 5: A Truce...

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'Well, whatta lousy decision this turned out to be...' Jinx thought to herself in boredom, idly tossing her blue gemstone with one hand in order to occupy herself.

The evening light had begun to wane, through the window to her father's office — he still hadn't returned yet.

'It's been, like, an hour... or two, ugh...' she groaned.

She could've been out there tracking down that idiot girl enforcer she'd been tipped off about, instead of this — laying patiently up in the rafters with nothing to do.

'The one time I decide to be a good daughter, and look where it gets me...'

Her ears pricked up to the sound of doors opening and shutting downstairs.

'Bout time...' she scoffed.

It normally took him about fifteen seconds to make it all the way up, from the bar.

'Right on cue,' she smirked, hearing him enter with his recognizable, measured footsteps. Well, recognizable to her, at least.

She craned her head, observing him having already lit up a cigar before he'd even made it to his chair.

"What happened — somebody needed straightening out?" she greeted him snarkily. "Was it Sevika?" she grinned, hanging the top of her body down below her perch, so that he could see her.

He only offered her a short glance. "You should remain up there for now, Jinx," he replied tiredly, "we'll have a visitor in a few moments..."

"Oh, okay..." she responded, begrudgingly doing as she was told. Though, she couldn't say her interest wasn't at least a little piqued. "Anybody I know...?" she prodded.

"...I'd hope not," he sighed. "Was your day at least... productive?" he wondered earnestly.

"Hmm, yes and no," she mused, "I'd have to read off of my notebook, I don't really remember what I wrote down—"

"—That may need to wait a moment, Jinx," he cut in, as they heard footsteps up the staircase outside.

There was a knock on the door.

"Enter," Silco replied.

Only then did Jinx bother to peek over the rafter she lay upon, to see Sevika letting in—


'How in the hell...?' she panicked, ducking back out of sight.

The door shut again, leaving just the three of them in the room together.

"Sit, please," Silco issued.

She heard Garou's amused little grunt, as he took his time making any kind of a move.

'Why in the hell is he in here?!' her mind kept thinking on repeat.

The room was silent, outside of Silco's delicate puffs of his cigar.

It sounded as though Garou eventually did as he was asked, though likely with the maximum amount of stubbornness...

"There are little voices around here," Silco began, "and they seem to be telling me that you're the one who put twenty Piltover enforcers in the hospital earlier this week."

Garou was silent, prompting Jinx to risk a little peek below at what was happening. He sat across from her father about as casually as one could, short of also having his feet up on the desk. She didn't feel she even had to look over to verify that her father didn't find this very amusing.

"My question is... to what end?" Silco asked, a hint of irritation in his voice.

Garou let out a shallow chuckle. "You're more worried about them, than about your army of monsters that I just sent back to their maker...?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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