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"Bread?" the guy said with a look of utter dismay and Scott blinked, wishing someone would tell him what his offense was. He watched his buyer glance around the mansion that was obviously one of a kind and his confused face came back to Scott as he repeated "Bread?!"

"I mean, if it's too much I could just... not eat." Scott shrugged and from the corner of his eyes, he caught some of the maidens purse their lips tightly to hold themselves from laughing.

Now this was just plain embarrassing.

Should he not have given a response.?

"Now this is just plain embarrassing," his buyer stole the words from his mind "You're standing somewhere as huge as this and all you can ask for is... bread?"

"Could you stop repeating that word like it's the craziest thing you've heard." Scott mumbled timidly

"As a matter of fact it is. Chicken, beef, Foie Gras, ice-cream, pancakes, anything. You could've asked for anything. But what? Bre... you know what, let's do this again. What- do you- want- for dinner?"

Scott's head fell and he puffed his cheeks. He still didn't know what this guy wanted in return, he got the feeling he might not wake up the next morning. But if that was the case and he was let to have whatever he wants before his death, there was one thing he and sister had always craved.

"Then," his head came up "Would it be okay to have an hamburger?"

His buyer stared at him blankly for a minute, then he let out a tired sigh and waved his hand "My god, someone please, just... make him an hamburger. Include every other meals as usual, and give him anything else he asks for."


Scott's brows furrowed. What power must one have to control this many people? His head tried to get an answer around his thought but there was soon another question he had to ask himself. Like why were six maids hauling him away at once?

"Uh... w-what's going on?"

"We're off to give you a bath."

"Oh." he responded casually, not fully grasping the message of their words.

Until he got to the large room that held a heated pool wide enough for a college pool party, and the girls tried to take off his clothes.

"What are you doing?" he jumped back with wide eyes.

"Taking off your clothes. We'll be done for if the young sir comes back and still sees you in those." one of them replied and they tried again

"No, really, you don't have to," he chuckled awkwardly with his hand held out "It's fine, I can take off my own clothes."

"No you cannot." they held shock on their faces "you are the lord's guest and you must be treated with care." another responded as they closed up the space again.

The lord?

"Seriously, stop!" his voice raised and they flinched. He cleared his throat and tried again in a calm manner "I'm fine, I can take off my own clothes, with my own hands."

"You can't keep being stubbo..."

"Try to touch me again and I will run out of here without taking a bath." his voice took a serious tone and they stepped back at once.

Why did him threatening not to take a bath frighten them more than his yelling? That was just beyond absurd.

"Thank you." Scott said and he exhaled tiredly as they walked away from him.

However, they didn't step out of the room but simply positioned themselves around the pool, an arm away from each other. Scott's brows furrowed in disbelief and he wondered if they were seriously going to watch him the whole time.

His eyes went to each of them but they only stared back at him like they didn't know what the word privacy was. Giving up on them, he took off his clothes and expected a reaction from them. Nothing.

What are they, mannequins? he thought and got into the water naked. The pool didn't hold much depth, it was designed in a way people could sit in and get the water just a little above the chest. Scott found his body loosen up in the water and he almost felt reborn in that instant.

He'd never gotten the chance to soak himself in warm water before. The clank sound behind him made him jump in the water and he shot away from the edge to see the ladies now behind him with washing tools and equipment in their hands.

"What is it now?"

"We may not be allowed to bath you but we have to wash your hair, the lord despises when things are not cleaned up to his liking."

"I think I can do the washing myself." Scott turned down again, then he saw the glint in their eyes.

Strangely, one of the maids in particular had caught his attention. She looked like she had little patience, she stared him straight in the eyes and Scott had never felt his masculinity be questioned as much it was now.

"I did not wish to be rude, but I can't have the lord question our capability." she said and before Scott could make out what was happening, she stepped into the water with no concern of her dress being soiled, she walks over to Scott who had been rendered frozen and came up behind him with a smile "Let me know if you feel uncomfortable."

"I feel plenty much uncomfortable right now."

"Then bear with us, this would only last a moment."

He never did have a say in this, did he?


He followed the maid leading him to the dinning hall in front of him, and the relaxed feel in his body almost made him slump down to the floor and sleep off. He'd never felt so... good. The subtle itch he gets on his hair at times was gone, they'd helped him dry it off and had changed him into the gray pair of nightwear he had on at the moment.

He couldn't resist the urge to quietly sniff himself.

It was gone. The mushy smell that was always stuck to him like a pest, the smell that had always made people uncomfortable around him, and the smell that he had also found disturbing when he personally caught a whiff of it sometimes... was actually gone.

"Please have a seat." the maid gestured towards the 20 feet long table that only had one seat set down.

He warily took a seat while wondering if they were expecting visitors. His eyes went down to the table and he blinked in shock at all the plates of delicacies arranged at his end of the table. His eyes glanced down at the other end and his curiousity got picked.

"Uh, excuse me," he turned and all six maids came over to him at once.

"Which would you like to have a taste of first?" one of them asked as they went down for the cutleries.

What were they doing?

"No, I just- wanted to ask if..." he paused, realizing he didn't know the name of his buyer "Is he not joining in?"

"The young sir has no interest in the dinner table. This is all for you."

Scott's eyes went down to the table and his brows squeezed up confusedly "I'm- not sure I can eat all these."

"That is fine, you can settle for whatever you want."


"Then would you like to start with desserts?"

"Or the pasta?"

"Or would you like the crabs?"

They questioned him and Scott swallowed. His hand went up to the hold the spoon closest to him and his eyes held the greatest plead.

"I think I would like to start with eating on my own... please."

They stared at him for a minute and complied with his request by stepping away. "Thank you."

Just a few minutes with them since the bathroom incident had taught him that being strong-headed wouldn't help when dealing with them.

He stared down at the table and his eyes went back to the first thing that had caught his eyes since he arrived. Letting down the spoon, he reached for the hamburger specially set aside for him and he stared at it.

The weight in his hand wasn't fake, the smell felt even more tempting than ever, and the grumble in his stomach urged him to go ahead.

He carefully took a bite from it, and with just a few chews, his mouth stopped.

"Is something wrong? Is it not to your liking?" concern in the maid's voice.

Scott blinked, his throat finding it hard to swallow. He quietly licked off the sauce on his lower lip and he fought back the tears in his eyes.

"No, it's not that..." he let out softly and his eyes went up to stare at the maids. A warm smile crawled up his lips for the first time since he could remember and he said "It tastes amazing... thank you."

He saw their empty look soften up for a minute and his eyes went back to the table. They might think him weird, it's just hamburger after all.

But they can't understand.

They've never been starved for a whole week after being caught staring at a hamburger flyer.

Scott got down to dinner, but Just as he had stated a while ago, he couldn't eat up close to half of what was set on the table. It was funny, despite what he had in front of him his appetite had gotten used to eating so little. He felt terrible for having to waste so much, but the maids didn't pay a mind to it. Soon after, he was asked to follow behind to be shown his room by the maid that had specifically caught his attention.

With how huge Scott had seen the mansion to be from the outside, he could make a wild guess of how many rooms it could hold, twenty could be an understatement. Yet, all supposed twenty rooms were ignored and Scott was led to a big library that held over a million books.

Surely no one reads all that right? he asked himself quietly and was surprised when the maid came to a stop in front of a line of books. She pulled one of the books and for the first time in his life, Scott saw magic– sorry, a technical default. Because shelves only move on their own and expose a hidden stairs in novels.

Not like he'd read one before.

"This is quite an interesting house you've got here." he said and without giving a reply, the maid began to walk down the stairs.

Not like he was expecting a reply.

He quietly followed behind her and he flinched at the sound of the door closing up behind them. Now he was getting some of that 'second thoughts' feel again. The stairway had been lit up by hanging white lamps, which made it feel less scary. After walking down quite a number of stairs and walking down a straight corridor, they made a turn and came to a stop in front of an elevator.

An elevator? Scott said to himself. It wasn't so odd for him to think there was another building hidden below the mansion, because the elevator despite having just one number, ran deep down for quite some time.

The elevator finally came to a stop and Scott was shocked to see a lit up corridor that stood well furnished with the color red and and chandeliers. Just one room stood at the end of the corridor and Scott was led down to it.

"You shall sleep here tonight, there is a button stationed right next to your bed for when you need anything. Please do not hesitate to call for us at anytime."

Scott nodded tiredly "Thank you." he wasn't sure he would be needing that eitherway 'cause it didn't seem like he would be able to need anything again after he enters the room.

"Then, if you'll excuse me. Have a good night."

"And you too." Scott replied

He watched her walk away until she was out of sight, then he turned his attention to the room and pulled the door open. Instantly freezing on his track.

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