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"Burn her!"

"Haha, not so bold now, are you?!"

"Burn down the ungrateful witch!"


The noises and whispers surrounding the bleeding blonde woman tied up to a long wooden stake in her light nightdress, brought her consciousness back alive. Her tired hazel eyes fell open, and the pitiful, scornful, and excited gazes placed upon her in the dark night made her scoff.

"Take that." someone yelled and yet again another stone hit the side of her head.

She let out an exhale as she no longer had the strength to pinpoint her new bleeding spot. The noise suddenly died down and her face pulled up a glare as the cause of her misery gallantly walked down castle ground. The high class gathering cleared a straight path to her and he walked up to her front, his royal cape falling behind him with two others following.

"Don't you just look miserable up there," he clicked his tongue as he came to a stop in front of her. She held her glare at him and he exhaled before lowering his voice for just two of them to pick on "We could've avoided this if you had just told the truth. You still have a chance, tell us where you hid the..."

His words got stopped but the bloody spitthrow that met his face.

"My lord!"

The two behind him drew their sword, but all it took was the raise of the lord's hand to calm them down. She watched him calmly swip her spit off his face and it became his turn to glare up at her.

"You mad dog," her tired voice finally spoke "You think I don't know you would go for the others after you kill me?"

"If you know that then why act so stubborn?"

"Because I do not wish for my gem to end up in the hands of a degenerate animal like you. And I know the others wish the same."

He went quiet for a minute, then a big laughter left his mouth, he laughed out so loud that the sound of his voice echoed the castle. Then for a moment, she saw his face hold a look that mirrored his monstrous heart. He stepped even closer to her and stared her deep in the eyes, his gaze showing no mercy.

"Samantha... I wasn't planning to go this far, but till the end you show me no respect." he stepped back and ordered loudly "Bring them here!"

Samantha's eyes questioned his order and nothing happened for a while, until she picked up the sounds of cries and mumbling getting closer to the open ground. The group of families pushed forward made her eyes widen and her stomach clench up.

"Mom." her shaky whisper left her lips as she watched her family and everyone ever related to her brought down to their knees.

"Listen to me!" the lord called out to the crowd "This witch has betrayed the trust of the Dragneal's, royal holders of the dragon's seal! Tonight..." he spared Samantha a glance as he pulled out his sword, her eyes widened at his act and before she could lift a finger to stop whatever he had in mind, he looked away and started to walk up to her mom. "let this serve as a warning to all!"

"No... Fred no!"

"Samantha!!" her mom cried out.

Under the full moon, between man, moon, and all things of nature, he brought down his sword on her in one swoop.

The courtyard fell silent after the gasp of the crowd and Fred stepped away. With no sign of remorse in his eyes, he pointed his sword at the rest of the crowd now crying for their lost one and he gave his last order.

"Kill them all!"

"Yes, my lord!"


"Please spare us! My lord... ah!"

"No, stop it! Fred! AHH!!" Samantha screamed out in tears as she struggled to let loose from the ropes "Pleasee!" she cried.

But she wasn't heard.

Or more like she was ignored, her screams and tears meant nothing to him. And just like that, the lord of the Dragneal ended a bloodline of generations. Samantha's head fell as she cried out into the bloody night, her hoarse voice screaming out


"You should've tried speaking up like this a little earlier," Fred walked up to her "Like I said, things could've ended up differently. Are you ready to talk now?"

Samantha's teary eyes came up to meet his in a glare, she clenched her tied up fist and her hard breathing became the last thing she was aware of.

"I only have one thing to say to you, hear me loud and clear Dragneal," her voice held pain "Your bloodline has caused a lot so much pain, there has been no worth in the existence of this bloodline and there still isn't even as you stand in front of me. I curse you, Dragneal."

Fred scoffed "I'm not scared of your curse, did you think I'm not aware you're only half witch. You can't even do a magic trick to save yourself, so what makes you think..."

"I curse you! Dragneal." she said again and the smile on Fred's face faded off. The blood falling down her eyes like tears was a concern...

but the most concerning was the change in her eyes. They had turned a dangerous blue. A blue only the strongest of witches held.

"Hear me loud and clear." her tears fell

"Samantha wait-"

Her mouth fell open and a sudden breeze took up the ground, leaving Fred to be the only one close enough to hear her words.

*Shut up!" Fred yelled disturbedly, but it was too late.

Her words had befall on him, and as a result he saw a cut mark appear on his wrist. A curse mark.


Fred panicked and before he could give his actions a thought, he dug his sword deep in her chest. She coughed out a pool of blood and in less than a minute, the light in her eyes faded off and she slumped down lifelessly.

Immediately, the air in the castle picked up. The torches lightening up the grounds were put off at once and everyone raised their hands to shield their faces.

Fred's eyes glanced around and it unconsciously met with the moon in full glow. For a minute, he couldn't move a muscle, his sword falling off his hand with a clang made all eyes fall on him as he stood lifelessly.

"My lord?"

The moon gave light to their steps, but not to the despair that was about to befall them.

Maybe if they had noticed a minute earlier, how Fred's teeth grew a sharp fang as he drooled out hungrily, how his fingers quickly grew into a claw, and how his eyes turned a bloody red that mirrored the blood that had stained Samantha's clothes... perhaps they would've been alive to see rest of the story from here on.

Fred's havoc turned the kingdom in a frenzy, and soon enough all units were surrounding the castle and trying to hold Fred down. No one was getting to him, and so the only available measure was taken. He was struck by spears all at once and was finally brought down to his knees.

This incident went down in history for years about how the strongest blood of the west crumbled in just a night. Fred's wife had been chased out of the castle after the incident and power shifted. However, what was not recorded in history was how Fred's wife had secretly been pregnant. She gave birth in secret but came to be bewildered by the truth she soon discovers.

Samantha's curse on Fred had been transferred to his child.

*A century later*

"I've had about enough of all this." Scott mumbled to himself as he stared lifelessly at the glitter of the night city.

With emptiness in his heart that he couldn't find strange as it had become one with him, he blinked quietly at the world. His elder sister had just passed away, yet he couldn't bring himself to shed a single tear for her. Not because she was the worst or because he hated her, she was literally all he had left, but simply because he couldn't help the thought of her being lucky enough to find death. To be shed away from this cruel society.

Yes. Society is cruel, and anyone who tries to tell him otherwise will remain nothing but a fool in his eyes. He knew, he was aware, that despite society's cruelty, happiness still exists. It's like the case of light and darkness where they must have each other to be of importance. Yet in the case of happiness, there is still a vital need to have,


Lucky in the sense of being born talented, being born into a household already flourishing with money, finding a change in your pocket at your last minute of brokeness, winning the lottery, the police showing up just the minute you're unknowingly about to be kidnapped. Are this things counted as lucky? To Scott they are. And he could go on listing many more things that could be seen as lucky. It was a blessing to be lucky.

Unfortunately, he on the other hand never received such a blessing.

He'd been poor for as long as he could remember, from the minute he was aware of his surroundings and subconsciousness. His father had died before they had him, and sadly, the man hadn't taken along his unbelievable debt. Instead, he had left it all to Scott's jobless mother who had been too busy staying a housewife in their marriage. As if that wasn't enough, he left her pregnant with him, Scott. His mother died immediately she had him, passing on the responsibility and baton of their fathers debt.

Perhaps if they had been sent to the orphanage things could've been better, but they weren't. His uncle had come for him and his sister and had pretended to be ready to take care of them. However, the truth soon came to light later on that the one who had lent their father all those thousands that couldn't be accounted for was no one but his uncle. His uncle had taken them in and worked them down to the bone to "fetch me back my money" as he would say.

Which choice of words Scott did find stupid because they weren't drawing money out of a well, or a tree. They had worked their bones off since he could remember and he never even got to know what a school was. Repeating their boring and overworked lifestyle while the debts consequences tightened their necks everyday.

Yet with all this, his sister fell ill.

This began another race with time and money, his movements doubling as he aims to clear off both the debt and surgical fees. And still, despite all the efforts he had put in to saving up enough money for her surgery, she passed on. Only then did he realize, what was his purpose? His aims for living had been his father's debt and sister's surgery, and he had kept on because he still had his sister. But now he had no one. It felt new and disorientating, what exactly was his purpose in life?

Why was he born?

His eyes went down the school railings and he stared at the profitable height that he knew would take him to his sister's destination in one go. He had specifically chosen a school rooftop for a reason. He didn't know how it felt to go to a school, how the students felt putting on their uniform to represent their status as a full fledged student, but perhaps if he died by jumping off a school's rooftop it would affect his next life. And maybe then he would finally get to know the experience of being a student. That was the only thing he...

"Are you going to jump or not?"

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