Take the Cake

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All of the groundskeepers are at Pops' House. "This is it, people. The big day." Everyone begins talking to each other. He sighs at this. "(Y/n)?" Benson asked. "It's Pops' dad's birthday." She said. Everyone but Pops and (Y/n) talk to each other again. "Seriously? Does no one read the emails I send out?" Benson asked.

Everyone mumbles in response. "I read them." (Y/n) said. "Well that much is obvious, (Y/n)." Benson said. "Anyway, everybody knows that Mr. Maellard loves surprises. But they also know that he's impossible to surprise." Benson said. "It must be from his time in the war. He says he always slept with his eyes open." Pops said. "That's not creepy at all..." (Y/n) said. Benson chuckles. "That's why I've come up with the perfect plan." Benson flips the chalkboard next to him. It reads 'Fake Surprise' in large white letters. "Bam! 'Fake Surprise'. See, it'll go down like this. Maellard will show up like....

"Hiya, Benson. I'm here to pick up Pops for my birthday dinner. And I'm gonna be all, 'What? I didn't know it was your birthday'. That's when I'll take him to the Snack Bar where Bam! Fake surprise. He'll be so thrown off by it he won't suspect a thing when I take him to the real party." Benson said. "Wow, Benson. That was the perfect surprise. Here's a million dollars." At this (Y/n) snickers." His plan ends, but Benson still continues to narrate what he thinks would happen next.

"Gee thanks, Mr. Maellard. You know, it was nothing really." Benson said. "Uh Benson, did you forget the rest of us are still here or...?" (Y/n) asked, and her friends snickered, and Benson glares at her. "That's how we're gonna do it." He said. Pops claps. "Oh, that plan sounds wonderful, Benson." He said. "Alright. Time for your assignments. Skips, set up the table. Muscle Man and Hi Five Ghost, go buy balloons. (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby, you're picking up the cake." Benson said. "Really?" Rigby asked.

"Yeah. It's prepaid and everything. All you have to do is pick it up" Benson gives Rigby the receipt. "Just give them the receipt and bring the cake back. That's it." He said. "Aw, yeah!" Rigby said. "♪Picking up the cake, picking up the cake! Picking up the cake, gonna do it great!♪" the trio rapped. "Just pick up the cake and try not to ruin my big day." Benson said. "You mean Maellard's big day." (Y/n) corrected. "JUST PICK UP THE CAKE!" Later at the top Tier Cakes, (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby walk in. There's a long line of people. "Man, this place is packed! Why does everyone need a cake so bad?" Rigby asked.

Mordecai looks looks at the receipt. "Dude, check it out. This cake Benson ordered is crazy expensive." He said. "$130?!" Rigby asked. "What the?! For real?" (Y/n) asked. "Yeah. Benson's really going all out." Mordecai said. "He must really want that one million dollars." (Y/n) said, and her best friends snicker and Rigby elbows her playfully. "Hey, dudes, check out that line." Rigby  points at the sign.

"Nobody's in it." He said. "It saids "Pre Paid", so yeah; let's do it." Mordecai said. "I got my cake, I got my cake!" A man shouted. As a female customer is about to talk, (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby switch over to the Pre Paid Order stand. "Excuse me, I'm here to pick up a cake." (Y/n) said. "Oh, if you have a pre paid order receipt, I can get that for you." The employee said. "Yeah, we do!" (Y/n) said. The female employee takes the receipt.

"Okay, it'll be just a minute." She said. "Excuse me, I was here before they were." The woman from before said. "Sorry ma'am, but pre paid customers take priority." The employee said. She walks away to pick up the cake. "Hey, you three!" (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby look up at her. "That's right, I'm talking to you, bozos. You just cut the line." She said. "Uuuhhhh...." Mordecai said.

"Get back here and take a number like everybody else." The woman said. "We didn't cut in line. This is the pre paid line." Mordecai said. "Ho, ho. That's a fine excuse for a bunch of LINE CUTTERS!" The woman shouted. "We didn't cut! Why don't you do us all a favor and mind your own business?!" (Y/n) shouted. "Excuse me?!" The woman asked furiously. All of the other customers murmur in agreement and start lining up at the pre paid order stand. "But..." the woman said. The female employee returns with a cake box. "Alright, here you go." She opens the box with a cake inside that says: "Happy b-day Mr. Maellard" "Woaaaaahhhh...." The trio said. "Also, you guys get our last free cake pastries." She gives the pastries to Rigby.

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