Chapter 5

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Serena's POV:

As serena walked home from the café, her mind was consumed by the incident with the man in the expensive blazer. She couldn't shake the feeling of guilt and embarrassment, her heart heavy with regret. She knew the value of money, having grown up in a modest household, and the thought of ruining such an expensive item weighed heavily on her conscience.

Upon arriving home, serena was greeted by the warm, comforting scent of her grandmother's cooking. The familiar aroma filled her with a sense of peace, momentarily easing the tension in her shoulders.

"Grandma, I'm home," serena called out, her voice soft and weary.

Her grandmother appeared in the doorway, her eyes filled with concern. "Serena, dear, what's wrong? You look troubled."

Serena forced a weak smile, her gaze dropping to the floor. "It's nothing, Grandma. Just a long day at work."

Her grandmother studied her for a moment before nodding, her expression softening with understanding. "Well, dinner is ready. Why don't you come and eat? It'll make you feel better."

Serena followed her grandmother into the kitchen, her thoughts still consumed by the incident at the café. As they sat down to eat, Serena's grandmother regaled her with stories of her own youth, her words filled with wisdom and love.

After dinner, Serena bid her grandmother goodnight and retreated to her room, her mind still reeling from the events of the day. She changed into her pajamas, the soft fabric a comforting embrace against her skin.

Just as she was drifting off to sleep, her phone buzzed with an incoming call. She glanced at the screen, her heart sinking as she recognized Sarah's number.

"Hello?" Serena answered, her voice laced with concern.

"Serena, it's Sarah," her friend's voice slurred on the other end of the line. "I'm at a club, and I've had too much to drink. Can you come and get me?"

Serena's heart raced, her worry for her friend overriding her exhaustion. "Of course, Sarah. I'll be there as soon as I can."

Without a second thought, Serena threw on her clothes and rushed out the door, her mind consumed by the urgency of the situation. As she hurried through the city streets, her thoughts raced, her worry for Sarah mingling with her lingering guilt over the incident at the café.

Upon arriving at the club, Serena was greeted by a sea of people, their laughter and conversations filling the air. She scanned the crowd, her eyes searching for Sarah amidst the throng of bodies.

Finally, Serena spotted her friend, her heart sinking at the sight of Sarah's disheveled appearance. She rushed to her side, her worry for her friend overriding her embarrassment at her own attire.

As Serena glanced around, she couldn't ignore the glaring disparity between her attire - a baggy T-shirt and pajama pants - and the revealing outfits of the other club patrons. Despite feeling a pang of self-consciousness, her worry for Sarah took precedence, nudging her to push past her discomfort and focus on Sarah's concern.

"Sarah, what happened?" Serena asked, her voice laced with concern.

Sarah looked up at her, her eyes glassy and unfocused. "I...I don't know, Serena . I just had too much to drink, and I couldn't find Lily."

Serena's heart ached for her friend, her worry for Sarah's well-being overshadowing her own discomfort. She wrapped an arm around Sarah's waist, supporting her as they made their way out of the club.

"It's okay, Sarah," Emily murmured, her voice soft and reassuring. "I'm here now. Let's get you home."

As they hailed a cab and made their way back to Serena's house, Serena couldn't help but feel a sense of relief. Despite the chaos of the evening, she was grateful for the opportunity to help her friend, to be there for Sarah in her time of need.

And as they arrived at Serena's house, the familiar comfort of home enveloped them.

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