[Visit] Miss Grace x Female!Reader

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This idea came to me... While sleeping... So it might be a bit messy...

Y/N PoV:

Today I decided to visit my wife's school for the first time. Yes. The FIRST time. So... I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHERE THE FUCK HER OFFICE IS! Pfffff... I'll just ask a student...

As I walked into Paper School I was met with a LOT of curious gazes from MANY students. Which gave me a bit of anxiety...

I decided to just get this over with and ask a student where my wife's office is.
So I approached a group of students.
'Uhmmmm... Execuse me? Could you tell me where Mrs. Grace's office is?' I asked 'Uh, why? Who are you anyway?' 'Uhhh... That-... doesn't matter... Please just tell me...' I answerd, getting a bit angry. Who does this kid think he is? 'Fine, follow me' he said with an eyeroll. 'Zip, Edward? Can you take my stuff with you? Or, no wait I'll skip Miss Sasha's leasson and hangout with my girlfriend' Skip Miss Sasha's leasson? But she's so kind! I've met her a few times when I went on business dinners (?) with my wife. Whatever. I'll just tell Grace.

'Now, come along! I don't have all day!' he mumbled kind of sounding annoyed. 'Sorry' i grumbled angrily.

'Here we are, I'll tell her someone wants to see her' the boy, I think Oliver was his name, said.

He knocked on the door and opened it when he heared a muffled 'Come in'

'Mrs. Grace? There is someone who wants to see you. Someone who I think isn't supposed to be here, but whatever' HOW DARE HE?! DIDN'T HIS PARENTS EVER TEACH HIM TO RESPECT OTHER PEOPLE? ESPECIALLY PEOPLE OLDER THAN HIM?!

'Oliver... *sigh* Who is it?' I heard my wife say. Oh she sounds so exhausted... I know she loves this school and her students, but she really needs to rest a bit...

'Uhhhh... *turns towards Y/N* What's your uhhhh... name?' I sigh. I don't know if my wife even WANTS her students to know 'Uhhhh... It's Miss Y/O/L/N... (your old last name)' i hope she still remembers...

Oliver turns around again and tells my wife 'Her name is Miss... Y/O/L/N'
There was a moment of silence and suddenly my wife speaks up 'Let her in' 'Are you sure? I don't think she should be here... She's ugly and she is *looks at Y/N* ugghhhh... Whatever... You may enter... Miss Y/O/L/N...' he said with venom in his voice. SUCH AN IDIOT!

I stepped into the doorway and waved to my wife.
'Oliver. Meet my wife...' said my wife in a threatening and utterly dangerous voice.

'WHAT?! W-WIFE?! I- uhhhhh... I'm sorry Mrs for talking like that to- and about you *laughs nervously*' 'Leave.Oliver. Before I get Miss Circle'

He quickly ran out of the room and slammed the door shut.

'Why didn't you say that your name was Mrs. Grace, Baby?' asked my wife 'Don't you love me?'
'Of course I do, my love! That's why I married you! I just didn't know if you wanted your students to know...' i said quite nervous.

Why wouldn't I? You're my wife. And anyone that doesn't accept that shall fuck.off

Yeah... I don't know how I feel about it... But whatever... 😐

FPE One-shots bc I think everyone in there is freaking hawt 😩💕Where stories live. Discover now