[Hangout?] Claire x Engel

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...I don't like this... But whatever... Hope you enjoy it!
(It's also a short one because... To be honest... I... Don't ship it 😐😬...I mean I see why people ship them... But I just don't ship it, since it was just... Like 2? Or 3 scenes where the two are together + Claire is dead soooooo... Yeah...please don't hate me for this...😅)

Claire's PoV:

Oh god. Ok... I can do this...

'H-Hey Engel? Uhhh... W-would you like to... Uhhhh... Maybe h-hang out later?'
I asked stuttering a bit. Engel has been my crush since I joined Paper School, but until now we were just... Friends... Close... Friends...

'Hi Claire! Sure! Where did you plan to hang out?'
He asked 'Uhhhh... I was thinking we could have a little picnic in the park? You know... The one we were at on the first day of school?'
'That sounds really fun! Do you want me to bring anything? Like some food or drinks? Or a blanket we can sit on?'

Oh God! I didn't even plan anything yet! Ok Claire calm down! I can do this. Just breath in and out, in... And out.

'No don't worry! I got it! Just uhhhh... Be there at 7, ok?' 'Okay! By the way, the bell is about to ring wanna walk to... Miss Circle's classroom toghether?'

Sure! That would be great! *laughs nervously* Yeah... Hehe let's go...

FPE One-shots bc I think everyone in there is freaking hawt 😩💕Where stories live. Discover now