Chapter 3

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"Okay,trust me this is the perfect time to start Mission Future,"Katy was trying to talk to Kiley as they walked through the crowds of people. It was July 4th and San Francisco was crowded to the point where people could barely fit on the sidewalks.

"Let's grab lunch and discuss this. Make it fast,I have a busy-," Kiley remarked as she saw a familiar face in the crowd.

"Was that Kathy?"Katy whispered. They begin to race against the crowd to try to catch up with the ominous lady. "Kathy?"Kiley screamed. And yes, indeed it was Kathy but, it looked nothing like her. As Kiley opened her mouth to ask what she was doing here, Katy beat her too it. "Wanna join us for lunch?"piped Kathy.

"Fine but, I can't stay long and I hope you know you blew my cover,"Kathy said with a tone so sharp it could of cut am apple. Kiley rolled her eyes and told them to follow her. Once they got through the crowds of red,white,and blue they saw a cafe. "Fred's Burger Cafe?" Kathy asked. They began to walk inside and took their seats. "Why are we here and what do you want. And yes I would prefer the short version,"Kathy sneered.

Kiley and Kathy said it in unison, "Mission Future."

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