Magic and Plans

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Here is the third chapter and my exams are over so i'll have more soon in fact i have already written a few so they will be posted over the next few days. Please comment and tell me how i'm doing i can't improve if i don't know what i'm doing wrong.

Chapter 3

Awakening the next morning wasn't as disorienting as the day before because I'm more used to being here. Looking at the clock on the bedside I saw that is was about seven am to early to make breakfast and wake Benji so I decided to try out what I read in the mana book I was given so I did my morning routine then got my self comfortable in the lotus position on my bed without bothering to get dressed as it was just me and Benji. The book said that as you meditated you should focus on the shape of your crystal until you find your self drown into the soul world. So focusing on the dragons head shape I began meditating the book did mention that it could take a while to succeed as most furs weren't used to meditation but as I was familiar with it I don't know how long it would take but as soon as I closed my eyes I appeared in the void not far from my crystal and its wing constellations.

Now that I had arrived here the book stated that in order to learn what spells you had access to you had to touch the crystal and focus on your element. Willing myself towards the crystal I laid my hands on the dragon's head and focused first on the lightning element and as I thought of it there was a rush of information being implanted into my mind of the four spells I had unlocked for lightning. Lightning bolt it calls down a bolt of lightning from above, chains of lightning a binding spell that caused lightning shaped like chains to sprout from the ground and rap around the target immobilising them, speed boost that infused the nervous system with a small amount or lightning to increase speed and reaction times and finally lightning claws that rather obviously covered you hands in lightning in the shape of claws to perform a melee attack. 

Thinking it over for a while these were good spells, I could already see some combinations that I could use but I will need to see about finding somewhere I could practice without causing damage. Moving back to my crystal I put my hand back on it a focused on the healing section this time I was expecting the rush of information, so I managed it better. This time I got three spells basic heal which could handle surface wounds such as cuts and bruises and minor broken bones, I also got slow poison which as the name suggests slows the progression of a poison giving more time for an antidote to be applied and the final spell was freeze disease which will halt the progression of a disease for the maximum of a week to allow for treatment. Now these spells I didn't know if they were good so I would need to approach a hospital about it and the possibility of getting some work.

With that done I left my soul-scape and began the next step which was mana absorption. For this part I had to visualise my crystal floating in-front of me until it appeared. This was a particularly difficult thing for some furs as it took a lot of focus and as you would expect most teenagers didn't have that but I wasn't most teenagers so looking at the clock only five minutes had past shocking me a little but I guessed there was some kind of time dilation going on but I started focusing on my crystal floating in-front of me and just held that image it took a while but eventually it was there floating at about chest height rotating slowly. Now in order to absorb mana I had to sense the mana around me and try to direct it into the crystal according to the book once I can do that I carry on until I eventually feel like nothing more is being absorbed and this will give me the limit of what I can absorb a day it also stated that I would know when I activated a node as the crystal would pulse brightly. Noting the time again at eight o'clock so it took about an hour to draw out my crystal I began trying to sense the mana in the air. It was exceedingly difficult it felt like there was something there just at the edge of my perception but if I tried to focus on it, it disappeared but eventually I was able to feel it and start directing it to my crystal. As I directed the mana to the crystal it began spinning faster almost looking like a sphere rotating thankfully I could see the clock out of the corner of my eye and it took half an hour to sense the mana I have no idea if that is fast or not so I chose not to think about it looking to my crystal I could barely see it with how fast it was spinning but continues to direct the mana to it completely losing track of time. I don't know how much time had passed but after a while the crystal began to pulse with first yellow light then glowed green shoeing that I had unlocked the first node of both magics and the crystal began slowing down before it was back to the slow rotation it had before I started with the mana and I realised I couldn't direct the mana to it any more so I was at my absorption limit for the day. Glancing at the clock that showed nine thirty so I can only absorb mana for an hour a day. Recalling my crystal was done with a simple thought I got off the bed and stretched.

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