My biggest decision ever.

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Here is the second of todays chapters.

Chapter 5

Two weeks later

I was sitting in the examination room assigned to me by the hospital waiting for my next patient letting my mind wander. It has been two weeks since I started working at the hospital and things have been going great, I got my provisional license in the post on the Friday and was able to set up lessons with an instructor over the weekend. Thanks to the fact that I had just got my license in my previous life I was able to take my test after a few lessons and passed first time. Right after that I filled out the forms that I was given for the free car and sent them in and was once again surprised by how quick the government processed the forms as received and email within two days stating that the car would be there by Saturday. I fell in love with the car as soon as I saw it, it was a BMW x5 m60i X drive in cobalt black with all the extras. According to the fur who delivered it I got lucky because one of the higher ups had decided they wanted a different model and when my request was processed it was determined that it would be more cost effective to give me this car that get a brand new one. I honestly didn't care I loved it, it helped me so much in getting around to work, the gym and the martial arts classes I was taking with Benji.
I have also managed a breakthrough with my magic I reached level two in both healing and lightning unlocking one new spell each. From healing I got cure wounds which is a more advanced form on basic heal it can fix larger cuts and gashes, more complex broken bones, and some organ damage. From lightning I got lightning arrows with forms arrows made of lightning and launches them at high speed towards a target. Another good thing about having the car I have been able to avoid my bullies which was made easier as they were all on holiday. Since they weren't around, I have been enjoying myself by taking Benji out to play different games like football, rounders, hide and seek, tag and curbie including Benji's friends when possible. I have been enjoying my work in the hospital as well they assigned me to the emergency room and had a nurse assigned to me to manage things like paperwork and explaining things to the patients. At the start I barely had any patients just the odd bone fracture but one I gained my level two spell I got remarkably busy but the nurse collaborating with me who was a brown bear named Archie said I was lucky I didn't work on Friday or Saturday nights.

I was brought out of my thought by the phone in the room ringing picking it up it was the receptionist at the entrance to the ER letting me know a patient that I could help had just came in but the way she was talking set me on edge. It was like there was something she wanted to say but couldn't so bracing myself I made my way to the reception. What I saw put me even further on edge it was a female fox, and she was very well dressed all designer labels her russet-coloured fur was immaculately styled but the one who I assume is her son was wearing a pair of black shorts and t-shirt that looked like they were a few sizes too small and barely holding together. He looked to be about four or five years old his fur was black swirled with russet showing he was melanistic with yellowish eyes. Unfortunately, he also looked to be in a lot of pain but was trying to hide it, but I could see it well. Being a foster kid in my last life I got to see a lot of kids with that look, and it never bode well especially given that the injuries I could see would not cause a lot of pain. Steeling myself for what I had to do I made my way forward to introduce myself.

"Hello there, my name is Oliver, and I will be overseeing the healing, how can I help." Said with what most would consider a customer service smile. The female fox just looked at me as if I were beneath her.

"Yes, well my son Jamie here has hurt him self fix him up quickly I have an appointment to get to" she said slowly as if talking to an idiot with a disdainful hand wave to wards the boy who I and the receptionist noticed cringed a little.

"Very well if you would take a seat in the waiting room, I'll take Jamie here to and exam room and get started." I stated trying extremely hard to keep my voice level. With a sniff and an I'm better than you look see walked off to the waiting room and took a seat as far from everyone else that she could. Turning to the receptionist and requesting a doctor to come to the exam room asap I then went down on one knee in-front of Jamie who had his head down staring at the floor now that I was closer to him I noticed that there was a slightly metallic smell and after working here for a few weeks I recognised that as the smell of blood I tried to be as gentle as I could.

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