Chapter 1: So it begins.

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If he had not found the account, or gotten curious, or even had discord, maybe it wouldn't have gotten like this. Maybe, just maybe, he would not be in such an odd situation. Yet there he was, changing the appearance of his discord account with the intention to request something from a co-worker of his.

It was 4 AM. Reiner made the ingenious decision to change his profile picture to a cup of mocha he had prepared earlier, which luckily happened to work with this exact situation. He also switched his name to "Mocha_Kitten☕", because Reed would obviously realize who he was if he had his actual name as his username. Also, it adds to the vibe of his profile.

Perhaps this was going to be a moment he would look back upon in the future and truly regret, but hey, the future wasn't today.

When he sent the first message, Reiner realized he had decided to play with fire, very well aware of the fact that he could get seriously burned. Though, he knew he could not go back now. Plus, he isn't scared of him.

He would normally give what he is doing and the possible consequences of his actions further thought, but, right now, he dismissed any worry that lurked in his mind at the moment, because Reed had replied to his message.

Mocha_Kitten☕: Hewwo there! ;P

Reed: Who is this?

Mocha_Kitten☕: No need to ask those qwestions, silly >.< All you need to know right neow is that I wuwuld like to be your littwe discowrd twink! :33


Mocha_Kitten☕: I know you want it just as much as I do, Rweedy~ ^-^

...More silence

Mocha_Kitten☕: What if I ask reawwwy nicewly? >^<

...You get the idea

Mocha_Kitten☕: Pwwweaseeeee?? >-<

Reed: What?

Mocha_Kitten☕: I'm askwing ywou to let me be ywour discowrd kittwen, my Alpha... >-<

...No answer. Reiner did believe it was too late to try to go back, so, of course, he continued. If he was going to die, he would die knowing he wasnt a coward.

Mocha_Kitten☕: Oh come on, awe ywou that much of a cowawd? Give in to your urges alweady.. >_<

Reed: I dont care what you think about me.

Mocha_Kitten☕: Then let me be your discord kitten.

A moment passes, yet no reply from the man.

Then another.

...He seems to go offline for a while, before returning.

Mocha_Kitten☕: Aww, do you not knwow what a discowrd kitten is?>.<

The fact that the man did not answer anymore made it clear. What kind of loser doesn't know what a discord kitten is, though? 🤔

Anyway, what Reiner can't really understand, is why Reed had not ignored him, nor blocked him or anything, and well...This unfortunately gave Reiner the motivation to persist.

Unfortunately for them, someone could see their messages, and had to read through all of... That. And he will need to continue reading them.

It phisically hurt.

. . .

Mocha_Kitten☕: I could send you photos too, you know.


Discord kitten - Reiner x ReedWhere stories live. Discover now