Tessmily fluff

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A/N: Requested by NovaCola
They adopt a cat!

Tess's pov:

I fell in love with Emily during all stars. She felt the same way, and we have been dating for a year now.

Not too long ago, we moved in together. It had been very lonely in our house with just the two of us, so we decided to adopt a cat.

We went to our local shelter. "Hello, we are here to adopt a cat." Emily says.

"Sure, I'll get someone." The cashier says. "Jake?"

"Oh hey, you guys are here to adopt a cat?" He asks.

"Yes, we are." I say.

"Okay, sure. Follow me!" Jake says.

We followed him to the cats.

"So we have Molly. She can't be placed with other cats due to trauma." He says. "Aw, she's adorable. How old is she?" Emily asks. "She's 4 years old." He says. "She's so cute." I say.

"She really is. What's your house like?" Jake asks us.

"We live in a small house, just enough space for 2 people, and a cat, of course."

"Okay, I think she is perfect for you. She needs enough room, but not too much room. If she does have too much room, she gets overwhelmed. She's an indoor cat. She doesn't have a specific diet, although she really loves and reacts well to the food she gets now. I can show you guys once we're done.

"Sure." I say.

We signed the papers, and Jake showed the food she was supposed to get. "Okay, you guys can pick her up in 4 days. I'm just making sure you guys can get everything she needs.

"I understand, we already have some stuff, but we're buying more tomorrow." Emily says.

"Okay, see you then." I say.

"See you, have a nice day." He says.

After 4 days:

Emily's pov:

I was recording a video to send to Jake and the others from the shelter.

"We got Molly home. She is still scared, but I'm sure she will open up to us. I love her a lot already.

She already had eaten, and she is asleep now.

We make sure we keep an eye on her, but she's doing good."

I sent it. Not too soon after I got a reaction.

"I'm glad to see she's doing great. Keep it up!"


This is longer than I expected, but okay

- Sander, 401 words

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