Chapter 3: A Gnome And A Teapot Hat Boy

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Realizing your situation you started to have an anxiety attack how long have i been here!? Are my parents worried? Has anyone noticed me missing? Thoughts raced threw your mind and you held your head, your fists filled with hair as you stared at the wooden floor your (e/c) eyes twitching as your vision became shaky, as if you were vibrating. Your breathing was rapid, your chest tighten. While you were having a panic attack your ears had blocked out the sound of the door opening and three pair of feet walking in. Muffled voices spoke but you didnt pay attention as you stared at the floor which became brighter as the old man lit the fire place, bringing your attention to him and two new boys. One looking like a gnome and the other wore a tea pot for a hat, you tilted your head and stared at them with curiousity.

"I have work to do at the mill, when im finished i will help you if your still here when i get back" then a door closed snapping you back to reality. You stood up "are you two lost to?" Breaking the silience the two looked at you, the younger boy smiled and waved at you holding a frog in his arms. "Yeah! We're lost! But i made a candy trail!" The boy pointed at the candy that was scattered on the floor leading to where the two were standing, "A-Are you lost?" The older boy asked with a small voice crack but you nodded "yeah, i just woke up here and found the old man now im here. I just want to get back home" you shrugged with a small smile, the one with the tea-pot hat smiled "We're looking for home to! My names Greg! And thats my older brother Wirt!" He then lifted up the frog "and this is Kitty!"

You let out a giggle at the name for the frog "Kitty? What an odd name for a frog!" You smiled looking at the two boys before realizing you hadnt introduced yourself "my name is (y/n) its a pleasure to meet you two" you smiled at the toy boys before the younger one, Greg spoke.

"Are you a pixie?" The boy stared at you in a bit of wonder as the older one corrected him for you "no, I think she's in a costume Greg" The child nodded and walked off making his brother worry "wait Greg!" the boy looked over swinging a log in the air "yeah?" after looking at the log for a few seconds he threw it down.

Not bothering to question this you decided to just watch the two brothers and listen. "D-DO you really think there is a beast out there? or do you think that guy is just messing with us?" Wirt stared at his younger brother who picked up a display of a tree with blue birds on the branches swinging it around "mhm" he then put it back.

"I mean he could've done away with us by now if that was his plan.." he paused before gesturing to the fire "and he lit that fire and thats pretty nice" He sat down on the couch watching his brother move to a different location in the house. You had also taken a seat still listening to Wirt have a one-sided conversation. "I guess it possible there's a beast. Since there was a talking bird" the brunette sighed and laid down.

"i dont know..sometimes i feel that im..just like a boat upon a winding river" glancing at the boy you let out a small sigh and stood up walking over to Greg "why are you picking up objects and swinging them around?" The boy looked up at you "its part of Wirts plan!" He smiled at you and went back to his own buisness.

What strange boys.

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