Chapter 5: A Blue Bird And Pottsfield

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You decided to stay with the brothers. Greg and you had became friends, well seemed like it.
Walking next to the youngest you couldn't help but stare at the scene around you. Everything was golden, brown and a tint of red. It looked beautiful.
"Wirt, its almost morning" you turned your stare to the boy who looked back at you "yeah it is..don't you think we should've hit a town by now?"
"Maybe? But towns are usually a few hundred miles away from other towns, so maybe not"
"This is the way the woodsmen told us to go, right?" Going to respond back but the little boy blowing another raspberry interrupted you "pbbbt! Have you been listening to anything I've been saying? For the last couple hours, I've been saying..." Greg paused before blowing more raspberries making you giggle at how childish he acted, you liked how he'd do this from time to time to lift up the mood.

"Well! That settles it I'm going to walk up 10 feet ahead of you" Wirt started to walk away from the two of you but you followed "Wirt! Come on he's just being a kid!" You placed your hand on his shoulders making him stop and grow tense "plus he is your little brother you should be nicer!" The slightly taller teen looked at you, a soft pink painted his cheeks "doesn't he slightly bother you with his randomness?" You shook your head in response "nope!" You smiled but then looked at Greg when he yelled "hey! I think i heard something!" "Its probably nothing" of course Wirt shut down the boy, and then walked off a bit but you decided to go to Greg "what did you hear?" "Shhh" he looked at the bush when it rustled and so did you.

"Hey you!" It was a feminine voice which caught you a bit off guard that the bush was talking...or was someone in the bush?
"Who me?"
"Yeah you"
Then the younger boy walked into the bush.
"Greg! Be careful! The bush could have thorns!" You bit your lip a bit worried. But you couldn't hear the rest of the conversation that Greg was having with who ever was in the bush. As Greg kept talking you heard him start to go on about magic and being able to turn into a tiger.
"Greg stop talking into a bush" Wirt startled you a bit but you remained in place "Wirt i think someones in there.."
Greg reached in and then pulled out a blue bird making you gasp softly.

Both you and Wirt stared at the blue bird flying in place. "Thanks! I owe you a favor. you three are lost kids with no purpose in life, right?"
Greg hummed agreeing with the bird.
Thanks Greg..
You let out a sigh, well at the moment there was really no purpose besides troubling yourself to get home. Which already started to feel like it was way out of reach.
"How about i bring you to Adelaide of the Pasture, the good lady of the woods. She can help you get home"
From the corner of your eye you saw Wirt shake his head and hands "no no no no no no no. Magic talking birds leading us to fairy god mothers in the mysterious.." He paused glancing down "I'm going to Pottsfield"
You were also a bit skeptical of the blue bird. Well, first that dog that almost killed you three for eating a black turtle! Now a talking blue bird leading you all to this Adelaide women? Sounds sketchy. "I agree with Wirt. Sorry uh...bird?" Giving the blue bird a smile you took a step back.
"Says the one dressed in some weird leaf outfit. I'm not surprised these two haven't thought you lived here!"
"Well I'm not crazy for one lady. Or a talking bird!"
"I'm not dressed in leaves!"
"I'm not being a creep to three kids and trying to take us to some lady! Is she even real? Or is this some 'hey I got candy in my car' abduction?"
"hey don't argue you two! you might upset the magic bird" Greg cut in having his arms outstretched in front of you both.
"I'm not magical kid. just a talking bird."
You let out a sigh "well I'm joining Wirt and going to Pottsfield" you puffed out your cheeks slightly, turned on your heel and walked away from the two.
"yeah! we're going to Pottsfield" Greg came up beside you the blue bird following.

Tuning out the little boy and bird talking you subconsciously grabbed the younger brothers hand. you thought it would be safer considering he's talking to a talking bird! And being a child, you wouldn't want him to wander off and kidnapped but this Adelaide women. The boy noticed the hand but didn't fight to holding it, well that's a good thing. he was comfortable with you enough to hold your hand. 

         As you all walked to the town you glanced at Wirt, he seemed awkward. but you noticed he was awkward quiet a bit. maybe he's hitting puberty? You never asked how old he was. for all you know you were older than the boy, now wouldn't that be awkward for you?  Getting closer to the town, Greg turned to the bird and you decided to listen.
"so, lets small-talk, my names Greg. whats yours?"
"Beatrice" wow..that was actually a pretty name. For a creepy talking bird that is.  
"My brother's named is Wirt-" the bird cutting him off. rude.
"Who cares?"
"and my frogs name is Wirt jr., but that may change! oh and our friend's name is (y/n)"
"okay that's great, but i dont care. how about you and i ditch these two?"
before she could go on your head snapped to the bird in less than a second 
"YOU will not  be taking Greg anywhere with out me or Wirt understand bird?" you grit your teeth and the grip on the youngest's hand tightened pulling him close to your body.
"why should you care? you're just a friend"
"and why are you so persistent in wanting to leave with Greg? you're lucky you can talk or i'd throw a rock at you and crush you"
"well you're lucky i dont peck people's eyes out!" 
Bickering with the bird again for a few seconds until Greg screamed and a squishy sound being heard making the bickering stop.
"I stepped on a pumpkin!"
"Aha!" Wirt threw his arms in the air catching your attention and you gasped "civilization! oh this is great!" you smiled, they could help you go home! and leave this crazy forest with talking birds, creepy old ladies, and black turtles that will make a dog go worse than a rabid dog! Wirt walked but stopped when he stepped on a pumpkin grunting in disgust and confusion he struggled to kick it off, but managed making you giggle to yourself.
"come on Wirt, lets go rejoin society before we step on more pumpkins" you smiled holding in a snicker as the brunette looked at you with a blush, in embarrassment you were assuming.


Hey! sorry for such a long wait! but school and stuff was going on so i didn't have time to update. hopefully this chapter will make up for it (sorry for it being super long). And a side note, I DO NOT dislike/hate Beatrice, i actually adore her. but if a talking bird talked about some crazy 'magic' lady and trying to convince someone as old as Greg to sneak off with her to go see this women. i would be pretty skeptical and kind of an ass towards her. sorry if you wouldnt act that way to her but it would make a bit more sense (to me at least). Sorry again and hope you enjoyed! 

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