Chapter 3 Discovery

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Hana's POV 🌷

Since I got up this morning, my body has been quietly vibrating with a mix of nerves and excitement for what's to come. As I sit at my desk at work, my fingers float across my keyboard easily, but I've had quite a few errant keystrokes today as my mind keeps wandering.

I've been thinking quite a bit about my little run-in with Jin earlier in the week. His sweet demeanor and sparkling eyes have been occupying every spare thought I've had since we met. There is something so genuine about Jin. He's confident and yet humbly self-deprecating at times which I suspect he does to make others more comfortable around him. He demonstrated manners and was kind to everyone we encountered in the cafe.

Utterly charming.

Sighing, my eyes dart to the time displayed in the corner of my laptop screen. With each minute that ticks by, the rhythm of my heart seems to quicken. I can't remember the last time I was nervous about anything, never mind a man, but here I am, wondering how our next lunch encounter will go.

What if it is a disaster and we don't get along as well?

Leaning my elbows on my desk I look down while I rub my fingertips into my forehead.

Why am I acting like this is a date? It's just lunch between two new friends!

A sudden pinging noise wakes me from my thoughts, and I look to see I have a new chat message pop up on my laptop. I click the red dot that is gleaming at me, only to be surprised that it is a message from Jin.

"Hello, Hana. I know I said let's meet in front of the cafeteria, but would you mind meeting me at the kitchenette near my office? Do you know where that is?"

Quickly, I pull out a map of the building and take a quick look to be sure I am familiar with the breakroom he is referencing.

"Hi Jin. Sure, I can meet you there!"

I send the message.

"Great, I will see you there in a few minutes!"

"See you soon!"

Taking a deep breath, I take one more quick look at the map to get my bearings and head to the kitchenette. A few short minutes later, I arrive, the palms of my hands feeling a little shaky. I find Jin grinning at a table with food containers strewn across it.

"Hana, over here!" he waves.

As I approach, taking in the scene, Jin stands and directs me to the seat across from him before settling back onto his own perch. "What's all this?" I ask as I look at the table between us, where an array of sleek metal containers in all different shapes and sizes sits. Each contains a delectable concoction. Some with various sauces, others have fermented vegetables, rice, noodles, perfectly grilled meat, and cooked vegetables. There is so much to choose from, yet nothing that feels overwhelming. There's even a lovely place setting just for me.

"I thought it would be nice to have a homemade lunch," he smiles shyly as he hands me a set of shiny silver-plated chopsticks with delicate flowers etched into the shiny metal.

"Wait, did you cook all this?" I ask, unable to keep the shock from my voice.

"It wasn't a big deal. I made it all last night....I mean, I did promise I would do the cooking from now on," he says quietly, and if I'm not mistaken, he seems a little nervous as well. I deduce it must be difficult for him to make new friends, just like it is for me.

"Wow, I can't believe you did all this. This is the sweetest thing anybody has ever done for me," I murmur in awe.

Looking up from the dishes, I see Jin touch the bottom of his earlobe quickly as it turns a soft pink color. "Well, don't think too highly of the intention yet—it might taste terrible!" he winks.

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