Chapter 7: Galaxy

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Jin's POV 🌙

"Hey, Bro. What are you doing with that?"

"Hey, Jimin. It's a gift for my friend. I'm going to leave it on her desk," I smile down at the delicate purple orchid I spent yesterday picking out just for Hana.

"Oh, you really like her. Don't you?"

"Yes. Yes, I do. Come with me. We will walk and talk."

"So, what do you think of that new producer, Lily?" he asks as we walk down the long, gray hallway.

"She is super talented. I wasn't on board at first because sometimes I'm not sure how much bigger we need to be, but I've enjoyed working with her thus far," I admit.

"Do you think Yoongi has a crush on her?" he asks quietly.

"Well, he definitely respects her and seems always to be looking at her," I trail off.

"I think he might have a crush on her," Jimin murmurs, making me wonder if maybe he had a bit of a crush on her as well. I can see why the members all gravitate toward Lily. She has a kind of charisma that pulls people to her.

"Here's my friend's office," I say as we swing into the large room, which is actually the space where all of Human Resources resides. The tall cubicles give everyone a bit more privacy than in other parts of the building, but they are still together.

I place the flower on her desk, ready to sneak away, but when we turn to head out the door, we practically run into Hana.

"Oh!" she says, startled. "Good morning, Jin. I wasn't expecting to bump into you so soon!"

"Park Jimin, I'd like you to meet Kim Hana; you actually live in the same building," I spit out nervously, having been caught in the act of leaving her a present. Instantly, I regret sharing her personal information with Jimin, which was not mine to offer, and a nervous energy jolts through me.

Jimin interrupts my thoughts. "Don't you just love living there? I adore jogging on the trails behind the complex. It is so peaceful!" he comments.

"Oh, I have been using the gym in our building to run on a treadmill, but I've wanted to try running outside. I've never jogged outside of the gym," she says thoughtfully.

"Well, if you ever need a running partner, let me know, and you can feel free to join me. I can give you some pointers and show you my favorite trails," he kindly offers.

"That is so nice! Thank you!"

"Of course! I have to go get a coffee, or I'll never wake up. It was nice meeting you, Hana. Don't be strangers, you two!" Jimin says as he exits the office.

"He seems like a sweet kid," Hana says as if she is much older than him which makes me stifle a giggle. "Wait! Did you put this orchid here?"

She swoops down into her office chair, chucking her bag onto the floor below. Abandoning it as if the flower was the most precious thing she has ever seen and it makes my heart flutter.

"It reminded me of you," I blush.

"Jin, thank you so much!" she gushes as she spins the pot slowly in a circle as if memorizing every last detail.

"Of course," I smile as I make my way to the door. "See you at noon for lunch, right?"

"Absolutely, I can't wait," she breathes out while practically hugging her new plant.

It was exactly the reaction I hoped to summon from her—complete joy. I am so happy I could brighten her day, even if it is just a tiny bit.

"I'll talk to you later. Have a good day, Moonbeam," I smile and am delighted to see her face flush.

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