Chapter 17: A Touch of Unexpected

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Following Kass through the dimly lit corridors, a knot of apprehension tightened in my stomach. Elyse sat perched on one of the beds, a small pile of leather armor pieces stacked beside her.

Her serene expression from earlier had vanished, replaced by a focused intensity. She rose from the bed with a single, purposeful movement and gestured towards the pile of armor. She held up a piece of intricately tooled leather, its surface smooth and gleaming in the dim light. It looked more like a work of art than armor, the design flowing seamlessly around the curves of a woman's body.

Uncertainty flickered across my features.

"What is this?" I asked, hesitant to touch the beautiful piece.

Elyse remained silent, but her gaze held a quiet insistence. Then, she mimed the action of putting it on, her movements smooth and practiced. A small smile played on her lips, a silent encouragement.

With Kass hovering at the doorway, a silent sentinel, I picked up the offered armor. It was surprisingly light, the weight evenly distributed across the surface. As I held it up, sunlight filtering through a high window bathed the intricate tooled designs in a warm glow. Delicate vines and stylized flowers seemed to dance across the surface, whispering promises of silent resilience.

Hesitantly, I slipped the breastplate on, surprised by how perfectly it molded to my torso. Unlike the rigid metal armor I'd envisioned, this felt more like a second skin, warm and surprisingly comfortable. The leather yielded with my movements, promising freedom and flexibility I hadn't dared to hope for.

Elyse stepped forward, her movements swift and practiced as she helped me secure the buckles at the side. Each click resonated with a quiet confidence, a promise of protection. Once the breastplate was secured, she moved on to the other pieces – articulated vambraces that protected my forearms without impeding my grip, sleek greaves that shielded my shins without restricting my stride. Each component felt like an extension of myself, designed to move and protect in equal measure.

Finally, she held up a segmented pauldron for my left shoulder. This one, I noticed, had a small hidden pocket nestled within the intricate design. Curiosity piqued, I glanced at Elyse, but she simply raised an eyebrow, a silent invitation. Reaching in, I found a slim dagger tucked neatly within, its hilt cool and reassuring against my palm.

Fully armored, I stood before the small mirror hanging on the rough-hewn wall. The woman staring back was a stranger, yet undeniably me.

The supple leather hugged my body, highlighting my curves and agility. The burnished surface gleamed with a quiet confidence, a stark contrast to the nervous uncertainty I'd felt moments ago. This wasn't just armor; it was a transformation, a promise of power and purpose.

"Looking good, Muscles," Kass quipped from the doorway, her expression a playful smirk. "Though next time, maybe ask for some pockets big enough for throwing knives. Tiny daggers are all well and good for fancy assassinations, but sometimes a good, old-fashioned chunk of metal gets the job done."

I couldn't help but grin, the tension dissipating under her dry humor.

"Maybe next time I'll raid Finn's workshop and see if he can whip something up for a more... explosive approach," I countered, a playful glint in my eyes.

Elyse gave me a curt nod. Her hand came up, palm facing me, fingers spread wide, then she curled them into a fist, thumb extended upwards in a silent but emphatic signal: You look good.

The corner of my lips quirked into a grin. This mission suddenly felt a lot less daunting. With Kass' sardonic humor and even a silent word of encouragement from Elyse, I was starting to believe we might just pull this off.

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