A little girl
With real estate
A common sight
A honed in tone
Express to thickness
Crosswalks used to
Migraines in their throatChase her out of town
Crinkling the tangerine blaze
Chase her out of town
All audibleShe sat herself
Matters are heard
If only they weren't
Our grand piano
Was carved from gestures
She let the termites
Eat her inside outChase her out of town
Crinkling the tangerine blaze
Chase her out of town
All audibleI can't hear you
Say that again
I can't hear you
Say that againWho's the little girl
Who ran away from the
Dirty termites
Hard shelled terroristsWho's the little girl
Who ran away to hear
No vibration
Highway travelChase her out of town
What was that
I can't hear youChase her out of town
Say that again
I can't hear youSound the tangerine blaze
What was that
I can't hear youSound her crinkling cry
Say that again
I can't hear youShe'll be injured tomorrow