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Once Ginny sorted her portion of food and departed, Angie asked, "Ready to go? We can floo through to the flat and leave the food in the kitchen while we go down to the shop and see if they need help closing up."

Hermione nodded, wondering if it might be best if she just stayed home tonight, but, remembering her promise to Fred, she decided to go. What would it hurt to have dinner with her friends? Fred didn't have a clue about the inner turmoil that she was dealing with, and it was no reason to stay at home. In fact, it would be good to go and hopefully take her mind off of things.

Stepping through the floo and into Fred's flat above WWW, Hermione followed Angie into the kitchen where they left the food on the counter. Then, they went downstairs into the shop where they saw Fred locking the door behind the last customer as George counted the money in the till.

George noticed them first and a smile lit his face. "Hello, lovely ladies, to what do we owe this pleasure?"

Angie moved in for a kiss. "We've been out shopping all day. We were famished, and I was desperately craving the Italian food that Hermione had for us last film night. I convinced her to take me to the restaurant to pick up takeaway and we thought that the two of you might be hungry as well."

"Oh, bless you; seriously, I'm exhausted. I want a shower, some food, and my bed."

By the time he finished speaking, Fred had made it over to where they stood. "Did someone say food?"

Hermione smiled at him. "Yes, it's upstairs in your flat. What's left to do down here? Just clearing up?"

Fred nodded. "Yep, we have staff coming in early to replenish the stock. We just need to check for anything that's out of place."

"Well, why don't the two of you head upstairs and have your showers? I'm assuming that George either has clothing in the flat or can borrow something of yours, yes?"

"He does, but since there's only the one shower, we can't both use it at the same time." Turning to George he suggested, "You go on up. Have a shower. Hermione can help me down here and we'll be up in a few. But take Angie with you, she looks dead on her feet."

Angie began to protest, "I'm fine, really. I sat at the restaurant while we waited for our food and then at Hermione's before we came here."

Upon closer examination, Hermione noticed just how exhausted Angie really looked. "No, go on up. You can start opening up the food and getting the plates and drinks out so we can eat as soon as Fred is out of the shower."

Acquiescing, Angie followed George up the stairs. Turning to Fred, Hermione asked, "What do you need me to do?"

"We had the staff check the shelves for anything out of place before they left an hour ago, so it shouldn't be too awful. Really, we just need to walk up and down the aisles and see if anything has been put in the wrong spot or dropped on the floor." He pointed, "You start here, and I'll start over there. We can meet in the middle."

She turned to head toward the area that he indicated when he called out to her, "Oh, and Hermione?"

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