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Once they had exchanged pleasantries, Bill and Fleur took Victoire home to her bed. As soon as they departed, Fred gestured to the reading chair. "Want to get comfy?" Gods, did he actually want to cuddle her without the pretense of watching a film together?

Unless he did want to watch a film... "Do you want me to put something on the telly?" she asked tentatively.

"No, I think the music and lights are nice, don't you?"

"I do," she agreed, allowing him to pull her down into the chair with him.

They settled in, Fred's arms twining around her body as she nuzzled into his chest. For a few blissful moments, they quietly laid like that. Then, she felt Fred fidget a little before he broke the silence. "Hermione?"

The husky, breathless way that he spoke her name sent a shiver down her spine and sparked a pleasant tingle low in her belly. Lifting her head to see what he wanted, her breath caught and her heart began to pound when she met his intense gaze. Then, his arms were tightening further around her, pulling her close as he leaned down, his mouth seeking hers. And then he was kissing her; softly at first, a sweet, tender caress, his lips sliding sensually against hers.

All she could think was, Merlin, yes. Finally, this was finally happening, and it was everything. As she responded eagerly, Fred's kisses became more insistent, his tongue darting out to trace a path across the seam of her lips.

A quiet moan escaped as she shifted to reach him better. In one smooth motion, he rolled them so that they were on their sides facing each other. One of his hands gently stroked her face as his other reached down to grab her bum firmly. The contrasting sensations combined with the feel of his mouth on hers drove Hermione mad. She reached up, burying her fingers in his hair and pulling him closer as they proceeded to snog one another senseless.

Eventually, Hermione wasn't sure how long it had been, Fred pulled away. He pressed tender, affectionate kisses to her lips, then one to her forehead, before wrapping his arms around her and maneuvering them so that she lay snuggled into his side with her head resting against his chest.

Hermione felt like she could float away on a cloud of happiness as she snuggled comfortably with Fred. He dropped a kiss on the top of her head and murmured, "Godric, I've wanted to do that for so long."

Sighing happily, she lifted her face for another kiss, then cuddled back into his warm embrace. After only a few minutes, she felt him exhale deeply, his chest rumbling as he quietly said, "As much as I hate to, I really need to go. George will have my head if I'm late tomorrow after leaving early tonight, and it's nearly eleven."

"What? How?" she asked stupidly. "It feels like Bill and Fleur just left twenty minutes ago."

Chuckling, Fred agreed, "I know, but it really is that late. Look," he pointed to the clock on her mantle and Hermione could see for herself that the time had managed to slip away. Kissing her forehead again, he promised, "But, I'll see you tomorrow for Christmas. You are planning to stay the night at The Burrow, aren't you?"

"Of course, I wouldn't miss it for anything."

"Good, I'll see you around four then. We're closing at three, heading upstairs for quick showers, and then we'll be there. Mum's excited because she wants to serve dinner early so we can eat before exchanging presents."

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