Chapter 3

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As Larissa breached the surface of the ocean, she was greeted by a sight more breathtaking than she could have ever imagined. The vast expanse of the ocean stretched out before her, sparkling in the golden light of the setting sun. In the distance, she could see the silhouette of a human ship, its sails billowing in the gentle breeze.

Marina gasped in awe as she surfaced beside Larissa. "It's even more beautiful than I imagined!"

Larissa nodded, her eyes wide with wonder. "I've never seen anything like it," she whispered.

Sheldon surfaced next, his ancient eyes scanning the horizon. "We must be cautious," he warned. "Humans can be unpredictable creatures."

Oscar, ever the optimist, grinned. "Ah, come on, Sheldon! Where's your sense of adventure?"

With a mixture of excitement and trepidation, Larissa and her companions swam closer to the human ship, eager to catch a glimpse of the world beyond the waves.

As they drew nearer, Larissa could see the humans bustling about on the deck, their voices carrying across the water. She watched in fascination as they worked together to raise the sails and steer the ship towards its destination.

Suddenly, a voice called out from the deck of the ship, startling Larissa and her friends. They quickly ducked beneath the waves, hiding from view as the humans passed by.

Once the ship had sailed out of sight, Larissa surfaced again, her heart pounding with excitement. "That was incredible!" she exclaimed.

Marina nodded, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "I can't wait to see more of the human world!"

Sheldon remained cautious. "We must remember to be careful, my friends. The surface world is full of dangers we cannot comprehend."

They all agreed and continued their journey, eager to explore the wonders of the human world.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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